Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,930 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,930
Translated headword: bug-less, unswept
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who/which is] unadorned, disorderly; for korei=n ["to sweep"] [means] to adorn. This man is unswept, as if full and not swept out, growing and multiplying and abounding. All [sc. the words used here] derive from contingency.[1] For those who have olive-pressings and sheep necessarily have a great deal of everything.[2]
Greek Original:*)ako/rhtos: a)kallw/pistos, a)ko/smhtos: korei=n ga\r to\ kallwpi/zein. ou(=tos de/ e)stin a)ko/rhtos, oi(onei\ polu\s kai\ mh\ korou/menos, au)/cwn kai\ plhqu/nwn kai\ teqhlw/s. a)po\ de\ tou= sumbebhko/tos parei/lhfe pa/nta. par' oi(=s ga\r a)\n h)=| ste/mfula kai\ pro/bata, e)c a)na/gkhs e)sti\ polla\ pa/nta.
From the
scholia to
Clouds 44, where the headword occurs, in Strepsiades' self-portrait (web address 1 below). The etymology pursued here, however, is false; the connection is rather with
[1] Or, from accidental attributes. The first of several Suda appearances of the phrase
a)po\ (or
sumbebhko/tos. See generally LSJ s.v.
sumbai/nw, IV.
[2] Sheep and olive-pressings are mentioned in the next verse (
Clouds 45).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 March 2001@16:54:50.
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