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Search results for alpha,924 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,924
Translated headword: aconite
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of plant [sc. which is also a] drug.[1]
"But by drinking aconite he escaped this [sc. charge] a)koniti/."[2] That is, without trouble.[3]
Greek Original:*)ako/niton: ei)=dos bota/nhs farma/kou. a)lla\ piw\n a)ko/niton u(pe/kfuge tou=t' a)koniti/. toute/sti xwri\s ko/pou.
Same entry in ps.-
[1] Same glossing, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (1039).
Diogenes Laertius 5.8: the third line of a short poem of his own (=
Greek Anthology 7.107.3) on the supposed suicide of
Aristotle (ib. 5.6, and see under
alpha 3929).
[3] For
a)koniti/, "dustless", see
alpha 923.
Keywords: athletics; biography; botany; definition; ethics; imagery; law; medicine; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 February 2001@03:08:13.
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