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Search results for alpha,860 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,860
Translated headword: uncared-for, uncaring
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who/which is] unburied, neglected.[1]
"The Romans could not stand seeing their own enemies uncared-for."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the adverb] a)khdw=s ["in uncared-for fashion"], meaning in unburied fashion.
"Seeing a body of a shipwrecked man lying in uncared-for and neglected fashion, he did not dare to pass, but he buried the dead man, in humane fashion, hiding a sight not at all welcome to the sun."[3]
*)akhdh/s is also used in the Mythica [Fables]: "a bitter (soul?) [is changed?] into wolves, but an uncaring into goats."[4]
And elsewhere: "he broke open the tomb, without care for the burial and pitilessly, and from these stones set up a tower. Thence the city was captured."[5]
Greek Original:*)akhdh/s: a)/tafos, a)melh/s. oi( de\ *(rwmai=oi tou\s e(autw=n polemi/ous a)khdei=s ou)x u(pe/meinan paridei=n. kai\ *)akhdw=s, a)nti\ tou= a)ta/fws. i)dw\n nauhgou= sw=ma e)rrimme/non a)khdw=s kai\ o)ligw/rws parelqei=n ou)k e)to/lmhsen, a)lla\ e)/qaye to\n teqnew=ta, qe/ama tw=| h(li/w| ou)damh=| fi/lon a)pokru/ptwn a)nqrwpi/nw| qesmw=|. le/getai kai\ *)akhdh\s e)n *muqikoi=s: pikrh\ me/n te lu/kois, au)ta\r xima/roisin a)khdh/s. kai\ au)=qis: dialu/ei to\n ta/fon a)khdw=s kai\ a)noi/ktws kai\ a)po\ tw=nde tw=n li/qwn a)ni/sthsi pu/rgon. e)kei=qen e(a/lw h( po/lis.
For the twin senses of the headword
a)khdh/s glossed and illustrated here, see generally LSJ s.v.
[1] Similar glossing in
Photius and elsewhere.
[2] Quotation (also in ps.-
Zonaras) unidentifiable.
Aelian fr. 241b Domingo-Forasté (242 Hercher). [Adler reports that ms. M reads the
first person singular
e)to/lmhsa ("I did not dare") but no corresponding variant for
[4] Quotation unidentifiable. We know of several lost books called
Mythica, but none in hexameter verse, as this quotation is (Crusius includes it in an appendix to his edition of
Babrius, p.216). It appears to belong to the theory of transmigration of souls, and may belong to the body of Orphic or even Pythagorean literature. George the Monk tells us that "bitter (acid, overcritical)" souls were, under this theory, changed into wolves in reincarnation (
Chronicon breve 11.784.17). Lachmann would emend
pikrh\ to
pikroi\ and
a)khdh/s to
a)khdei=s, making both subjects plural.
[5] Part of
Aelian fr. 63 Hercher (66 Domingo-Forasté). It refers to a capture of Syracuse by Phoenix [
Myth] of Acragas, but confuses historical facts (see
sigma 441; cf.
Callimachus fr. 64 Pfeiffer). The allusion is to the desecration of the tomb of the poet
Simonides of Ceos, who was buried at Acragas; it must refer to a desecration by the Phoenician Carthaginians in the process of sacking Acragas in 406 BC.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; politics; religion; zoology
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 9 June 2000@09:08:50.
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