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Adler number: alpha,834
Translated headword: unblemished consciousness, sound conscience
Vetting Status: high
Translation: One pure and unalloyed.
Damascius says: "for there is none of human qualities worth as much as an unblemished consciousness. For one must coexist with his fellows in proper fashion. Even if the true good were the opposite of the apparent good, one must never consider the latter as more important than the former or place more importance on anything other than the truth -- not the danger of incurring a struggle, or a painful task that deters through fear, or gain of unjust praise, or the intimacy of friendship, or the compulsion of some family relations."
Greek Original:*)ake/raion suneido/s: to\ kaqaro\n kai\ ei)likrine/s. *dama/skios fhsi/n: ou)de\n ga\r ei)=nai tw=n a)nqrwpi/nwn a)kerai/ou suneido/tos a)nta/cion. dei= de\ to\n eu)sxh/mona tro/pon sundiaita=sqai toi=s pe/las: ei) kai\ e)nanti/on ei)/h tw=| fainome/nw| to\ a)lhqino\n a)gaqo\n, mhde/pote e)kei=no tou/tou e)pi/prosqen a)/gein mhde\ a)/llo o(tiou=n peri\ plei/onos poiei=sqai th=s a)lhqei/as, mh/te ki/ndunon a)gw=nos e)piferome/nou mh/te o)/knw| a)postrefo/menon e)/rgon e)pi/ponon, mhde\ ke/rdos e)pai/nou a)di/kou, mhde\ sunh/qeian fili/as, mhde\ suggenei/as tino\s a)na/gkhn.
Life of Isidorus fr. 69 Zintzen (223 Asmus).
The neuter of the perfect participle of
su/noida (lit. 'I know with'), used here as a noun, implies the conscious knowledge of what one is doing, and will become the Christian word for 'conscience', particularly in the writings of John Chrysostom. The adjective (for its meanings see
alpha 833, and cf. also
alpha 835,
alpha 836) is important in Christian writers because of its use in the NT by Paul (
Romans 16:19,
Philippians 2:15) and in the words of Jesus at
Matthew 10:16. It is translated inaccurately in KJV respectively 'harmless' and 'simple (as doves)'.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 12 January 2002@15:13:36.
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