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Headword: *)abroga/sths
Adler number: alpha,81
Translated headword: Abrogastes, Arbogast
Vetting Status: high
A Frank, who was fierce as flame from[1] strength of body and ruggedness of spirit; by happenstance second in rank to Baudo.[2] He was especially solid and complete in regard to self-control and made war on money, giving no quarter--for[3] he was no different from the common soldiers in terms of wealth at least. For this reason he seemed useful to the emperor Theodosius,[4] since he added to the manly and just manner of Valentinian[5] his own gravity, as a just and unswerving standard for the palace, not to do harm or wrong in any matters of the court.
Greek Original:
*)abroga/sths: *fra/ggos, o(\s kata\ a)lkh\n sw/matos kai\ qumou= traxu/thta flogoeidh\s h)=n, deuteragwnisth\s tugxa/nwn *bau/dwnos. a)/llws te h)=n kai\ pro\s swfrosu/nhn pephgw/s te kai\ dihrqrwme/nos kai\ pro\s xrh/mata po/lemon polemw=n a)/spondon. die/fere gou=n tw=n eu)telw=n stratiwtw=n o(/son ge ei)s plou=ton ou)de/n. kai\ dia\ tou=to e)do/kei tw=| basilei= *qeodosi/w| xrh/simos, o(/s ge pro\s to\n *ou)alentinianou= tro/pon a)rrenwpo\n o)/nta kai\ di/kaion, kai\ to\ par' e(autou= ba/ros e)peti/qei, kaqa/per o)rqo\n kai\ a)strabh= to\n ka/nona toi=s basilei/ois, pro\s to\ mhde\n tw=n peri\ th\n au)lh\n parabla/ptesqai h)\ a(marta/nesqai.
This entry -- which has been tentatively identified as a fragment (no.53 FHG; Blockley, Eunapius fr. 58.[1]) of the sophist and historian Eunapius of Sardis -- concerns the Frankish general Flavius Arbogastes (died 394). (The present headword 'Abrogastes' is a rare variant of, or error for, the name.)
[1] Causal kata/ (LSJ s.v. IV).
[2] His predecessor (and, allegedly, father) Flavius Bauto.
[3] "Part proof" gou=n (Denniston, p. 451).
[4] theta 144.
[5] omicron 762.
Banchich, T.M. "Eunapius, Eustathius, and the Suda." AJP 109 (1988) 223-225
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Denniston, J.D. The Greek Particles. Second Edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 26 August 1998@19:34:42.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Added headword, modified translation, added keywords, set status) on 31 January 2001@16:29:34.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 1 February 2001@04:13:55.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 28 November 2005@08:20:03.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 20 December 2011@03:53:50.
Aaron Baker (Modified translation; added grammatical notes; added Blockly cite; added bibliography.) on 3 June 2015@22:23:43.
Aaron Baker (Added period after "Bauto.") on 3 June 2015@22:25:43.
Catharine Roth (coded Greek) on 3 June 2015@23:24:46.
Catharine Roth (added bibliography) on 27 January 2016@22:44:10.


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