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Search results for alpha,798 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,798
Translated headword: akanthias, prickly thing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Not a type of cicada, but an epithet of a cicada, from its chirping in thistles. Just as "the chirper" [is] not a type of cicada, but an epithet from its chirping.
Greek Original:*)akanqi/as: ou)k ei)=dos te/ttigos, a)ll' e)pi/qeton te/ttigos a)po\ tou= h)xei=n e)n a)ka/nqais. w(/sper kai\ o( a)xe/tas ou)k ei)=dos te/ttigos, a)ll' e)pi/qeton a)po\ tou= h)xei=n.
(Entry lacking, Adler reports, in some mss.)
See again
alpha 4689, and cf. also
tau 437. The entries have a polemical tone; some authorities did, evidently, define the akanthias as a distinct "type" of cicada: see
On the Nature of Animals 10.44, cited in LSJ s.v.
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 January 2000@22:57:57.
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