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Adler number: alpha,793
Translated headword: Akamatios, Acamatius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Heliopolis,[1] more refined than the other citizens; but so amateurish was his behaviour that, without learning anything either in advance or in retrospect from those who had written on such subjects, he deemed himself worthy to be called a philosopher, and before all he designated himself by this name, and none of the Heliopolitans called him anything other than 'the philosopher'. Let this accordingly be a criticism of man's lack of education; but when we had come to be in Heliopolis, this delusion of the philosophy of Akamatios had virtually gone away. He even wanted to be one of the augurs. This however [is] worth forgiving: that he was able to embrace such things as best he could, especially with regard to private individuals.
Greek Original:*)akama/tios: *(hlioupoli/ths, e)pieike/steros tw=n a)/llwn politw=n: ou(/tw de\ i)diwtikw=s ei)=xen, w(/ste ou)de\n promaqw\n ou)de\ e)pimaqw\n tw=n e)s lo/gous h(ko/ntwn oi(ousdh/tinas h)ci/ou kalei=sqai filo/sofos kai\ tw=| o)no/mati tou/tw| pro\s a(/pantas e(auto\n katemh/nuen, ou)de\ tw=n *(hlioupolitw=n a)/llws ou)dei\s au)to\n e)pwno/mazen h)\ to\n filo/sofon. tou=to me\n toi/nun o)/neidos e)/stw th=s a)nqrwpi/nhs a)paideusi/as, paragegono/twn de\ h(mw=n ei)s *(hliou/polin, a)pe/bh sxedo\n tou=to to\ pla/sma th=s *)akamati/ou filosofi/as. h)bou/leto de/ tis ei)=nai kai\ tw=n i(erosko/pwn. tou=to me/ntoi suggnw/mhs a)/cion, o(/ti kai\ o(pwsou=n h)du/nato ta\ toiau=ta perilabei=n, a)/llws te kai\ pro\s i)diw/tas.
Damascius fr. 345 Zintzen (203 Asmus).
[1] There were 2 cities of this name, one in Egypt and one in Phoenicia (present-day
Lebanon); the latter is meant here.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 January 2000@06:51:55.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keyword) on 23 May 2002@08:35:35.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 23 January 2012@05:04:22.
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