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Adler number: alpha,788
Translated headword: stinging nettle, sea-anemone
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] nettle, both the terrestrial [kind] and the maritime [kind] which is like a mollusc shell.
Aristophanes in
Phoenician Women [writes]: "probably, of course, the first of all plants to grow were the rugged stinging-nettles".[1]
Pherekrates in
Deserters [writes]: "by Demeter, it was annoying to hear him singing so badly. For I would prefer to be crowned with stinging-nettles for the same length of time".[2] As to the maritime nettles,
Aristotle [mentions] them in the first [book] of
Concerning Animals and [so does]
Theophrastus in the seventh [book] of
Greek Original:*)akalh/fh: kni/dh kai\ h( xersai/a kai\ h( qalatti/a, h(/tis e)sti\ kogxuli/dio/n ti. *)aristofa/nhs *foini/ssais: ei)ko\s dh/pou prw=ton a(pa/ntwn fu/a fu=nai kai\ ta\s kranaa\s a)kalh/fas. *ferekra/ths *au)tomo/lois: nh\ th\n *dh/mhtr' a)niaro\n h)=n to\ kakw=s a)/|dontos a)kou/ein. bouloi/mhn ga\r ka)\n a)kalh/fais to\n i)/son xro/non e)stefanw=sqai. ta\s de\ qalatti/as kai\ *)aristote/lhs a)kalh/fas e)n tw=| prw/tw| *peri\ zw/|wn kai\ *qeo/frastos e)n e(bdo/mw| *futikw=n.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; geography; imagery; meter and music; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 February 2000@00:19:15.
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