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Search results for alpha,762 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,762
Translated headword: (they) flowing down in a body
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [doing so] together. The noun should have proparoxytone accent and the first syllable should be aspirated in the Attic dialect. "Flowing down" [
katarre/ontes] meaning descending suddenly. The metaphor [comes] from river currents.
Homer [writes]: "the bands of foot-soldiers flowed on."[1]
Greek Original:*)/aqroi katarre/ontes: a)nti\ tou= o(mou=. proparocu/nein de\ dei= to\ o)/noma kai\ dasu/nein th\n prw/thn sullabh\n *)attikw=s. katarre/ontes de\ a)nti\ tou= a)qro/ws katerxo/menoi. h( de\ metafora\ a)po\ tw=n potami/wn r(euma/twn. *(/omhros: ta\ d' e)pe/rreen e)/qnea pezw=n.
From the
scholia to
Acharnians 26, where the headword phrase (in the nominative masculine plural, referring to the Athenian prytaneis [
pi 3000]) occurs; see web address 1 below.
See also
alpha 758,
alpha 759. There is testimony for the rough breathing and for the accent on the first syllable: see LSJ (web address 2).
Iliad 11.724 (web address 3).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: comedy; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 February 2000@11:24:25.
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