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Search results for alpha,727 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,727
Translated headword: Athena's statue holds a spear
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Because of the steadfastness and masculinity [sc. of such an attribute]; likewise also a shield, from her turning-away every treachery through her wisdom; for [wisdom] is [close] to intelligence. And they gave her a helmet because of her being the invisible[1] summit of wisdom; also an olive-tree, as being of the purest essence; for the olive-tree [is] the stuff of a man. And they gave her a
Gorgon on her breast because of the swiftness of her intelligence.[2]
Greek Original:*)aqhna=s a)/galma do/ru kratei=: dia\ to\ staqero\n kai\ a)ndrei=on: o(moi/ws kai\ a)spi/da para\ to\ pa=san e)piboulh\n dia\ th=s sofi/as a)pwqei=sqai: h( au)th\ ga/r e)sti tw=| nw=|. kai\ perikefalai/an dido/asin au)th=| dia\ to\ ei)=nai th=s sofi/as to\ a)kro/taton a)qe/aton: kai\ e)lai/an, w(s kaqarwta/ths ou)si/as ou)/shs: fwto\s ga\r u(/lh h( e)lai/a. kai\ gorgo/nhn dido/asin e)pi\ tou= sth/qous au)th=| dia\ to\ taxu\ tou= nou=.
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.3 (Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 152).
See already
alpha 132.
[1] Or: secret.
[2] cf.
gamma 394,
gamma 395.
Keywords: art history; botany; clothing; imagery; military affairs; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 February 2000@00:22:31.
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