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Search results for alpha,726 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,726
Translated headword: (to compare) the cat to Athena
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The proverb is applied to those badly equating major things with minor on account of a small similarity; as if someone were to compare the cat to Athena because of the greyness [sc. of their eyes].
Athena and Poseidon contended for Attica; look under geraiteros ["older"].[1]
Greek Original:*)aqhna=| to\n ai)/louron: e)pi\ tw=n kakw=s sugkrino/ntwn ta\ krei/ttona toi=s h(/ttosi dia\ mikra\n o(moio/thta h( paroimi/a ei)/rhtai: w(s ei)/ tis dia\ glauko/thta to\n ai)/louron th=| *)aqhna=| sumba/lloi. o(/ti *)aqhna= kai\ *poseidw=n e)filonei/khsan peri\ th=s *)attikh=s: zh/tei e)n tw=| gerai/teros.
Keywords: daily life; mythology; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 February 2000@17:51:36.
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