Antiphon [sc. uses this word for] eternity and that which always stands in the same [circumstances]. Just as happiness is called
eu)estw/ ["well-being"].[1] The reading of
Diogenianus in
Truth [in the] second [book].[2]
*)aei\ e)/stw: *)antifw=n th\n a)i+dio/thta kai\ to\ e)pi\ tw=n au)tw=n a)ei\ e(sta/nai. w(/sper kai\ eu)estw\ h( eu)daimoni/a kalei=tai. h( le/cis *diogeniano\s e)n *)alhqei/a| deute/rw|.
[1] From Harpokration s.v., where the manuscripts have the headword as either two words (as here) or one. More important, whereas Adler prints
e)/stw here, so as to produce the imperative phrase "let him/her/it always be", she has
ai)eiestw/ at the doublet
alphaiota 103 (and cf.
epsilon 3446), which is clearly correct.
[1] Antiphon the Sophist, 87 B 22 in Diels/Kranz,
Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. II, Berlin 1922, p. 289 ff. (On the Antiphons, one or two, see
alpha 2744,
alpha 2745,
alpha 2746, and generally OCD(4) p.108; also R.K. Sprague (ed.),
The older sophists (London 1972).)
[2] (An addition to Harpok. The Suda mss have
Diogenianus in the nominative, which Adler prints; it should obviously be genitive, as in
Photius.) On the scholar
Diogenianus of
Heraclea, who had evidently produced an edition of Antiphon's
Truth, see
delta 1139,
delta 1140, and generally OCD(4) pp.457-8, under
Catharine Roth (provisionally modified the translation, added some keywords) on 9 May 2002@17:25:53.
David Whitehead (modified headword; rearrangement, modification and augmentation of notes; cosmetics) on 6 June 2002@08:07:54.
David Whitehead (betacoding and other cosmetics) on 16 August 2006@04:33:31.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 20 July 2011@06:21:02.
David Whitehead (updated OCD refs) on 30 July 2014@03:30:18.
Catharine Roth (italics) on 24 November 2014@18:37:35.
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