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Search results for alpha,579 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,579
Translated headword: parched oaks
Vetting Status: high
Translation: With a view to what is being explained. Whether because the trees shed their leaves in that same season and are dried out from the roots and uprooted by the snowstorms, or because when wood-cutters dig trenches they throw [the trees] into the rivers, so that they are carried off and away by the flood; which [is] sound.
Greek Original:*)azale/as dru=s: pro\s to\ shmaino/menon. po/teron o(/ti fullorroei= kat' au)th\n th\n w(/ran chraino/mena ta\ de/ndra e)k r(izw=n a)naballo/mena u(po\ tw=n xeima/rrwn, h)\ o(/ti druto/moi ei)s ta\s potami/ous e)mba/llousi diw/rugas ko/ptontes, i(/na sugkatafe/rhtai tw=| o)/mbrw|: o(/per u(gie/s.
From the
scholia to
Iliad 11.494, where the headword phrase appears -- noun first -- in a simile: web address 1 below.
For the adjective cf.
alpha 580.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; daily life; epic; imagery
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 March 2001@20:37:58.
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