Search results for alpha,539 in Adler number:
Headword: *)adunasti/ Adler number: alpha,539 Translated headword: impotently Vetting Status: high Translation:
[Meaning] powerlessly.
Greek Original:
*)adunasti/: a)duna/tws.
In the Greek, a smaller difference (of suffix). The headword version (LSJ entry at web address 1) is attested only here and in the parallel entry in ps.-Zonaras.
Catharine Roth (Added note and link.) on 10 September 2000@00:44:43. David Whitehead (modified note) on 23 July 2003@07:25:05. David Whitehead (expanded note) on 14 August 2006@08:58:34. Catharine Roth (tweaked note and link) on 15 December 2013@23:01:27. David Whitehead on 26 April 2015@04:53:48.