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Search results for alpha,533 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,533
Translated headword: bulky, fat, stout, thick
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] much.[1]
[Meaning] big, abundant, rich. Also [sc. attested is the related noun]
a(dro/ths, [meaning] grandeur.[2]
"By seducing [him] into the crime with fat fees, he destroys this man."[3]
Aelian [also says]: "he accosts certain people and, for a fat fee, persuades them to come to
And elsewhere: "with each making display of his craft for fat fees."[5]
Greek Original:*(adro/n: polu/. me/ga, dayile\s, plou/sion. kai\ *(adro/ths, h( u(yhlo/ths. a(droi=s misqoi=s proagagw\n ei)s to\ to/lmhma, tou=ton a)nairei=. kai\ *ai)liano/s: tina\s paralabw\n a(drou= misqou= e)s *buza/ntion e)lqei=n pei/qei. kai\ au)=qis: e(ka/stou th\n te/xnhn e)pideiknume/nou e)pi\ misqoi=s a(droi=s.
The primary headword is neuter singular of the adjective
a(dro/s. It must be quoted from somewhere; there are numerous possibilities.
In modern times it has given its name to a category of sub-atomic particle, the hadron, itself named in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
[1] cf.
Hesychius alpha1204 (masculine nominative singular)
[2] Likewise or similarly in
Photius and elsewhere.
Aelian fr. 196 Domingo-Forasté (193 Hercher).
Aelian fr. 74e Domingo-Forasté (71 Hercher): on Dionysios the merchant-shipper.
Aelian fr. 197 Domingo-Forasté (194 Hercher).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; history; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 November 2000@09:44:06.
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