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Adler number: alpha,527
Translated headword: Hadrianos, Hadrianus, Hadrian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Emperor of the Romans.[1] He was of senatorial descent, his father having been the general Afer -- for thus he was [sur]named;[2] he was by nature fluent in each language;[3] and he left behind both some prose pieces and various poems in verse. For he used his ambition assiduously and in accordance with this he pursued everything else, even the pettiest things; for he used to sculpt and paint and say that he knew nothing that was not both for times of peace and times of war, both of an emperor and of a private citizen. And whereas this hurt people in no way, most terrible was his envy of all men who were outstanding in something, many of whom he deposed and many he killed. For he wanted to be pre-eminent of all men in all things and he hated those who were superior in something. And because of this he attempted to undermine
Favorinus the Gaul[4] and
Dionysius the Milesian in various ways but especially by exalting their rivals, although some were worthy of nothing and others of very little.[5] This man in a letter wrote a number of arrogant things, including an oath that he would neither do anything [outside of what was] beneficial to the public[6] nor kill any senator, and he wished destruction upon himself if he should depart in any way from these things;[7] nevertheless he went astray on many points.
This man was pleasant to meet and some favor graced him, as he used the languages of both the Latins and the Greeks most excellently; furthermore he was regarded as a great marvel for the gentleness of his ways, and as someone who had been zealous in the amassing of public funds.[8]
This man was by nature such a man that he was envious not only towards the living but towards those who were dead; at any rate he undermined
Homer and instead of him introduced Antimachus, whose name many had never heard of before.[9] They found fault with these deeds of his as well as with his strictness and his curiosity and his meddlesomeness; but he ameliorated and compensated for these things with other care and forethought and munificence and cleverness; and in addition to this he began no war and stopped those that were already on, and deprived no one of money unjustly, and he bestowed a lot [of money] on many men, both public officials and private citizens.[10] He was extremely superstitious and made use of various oracles and incantations. His boyfriend was a certain Antinoos; he founded and colonized a city and named it for him.[11] And he said that a certain [vision/apparition] was Antinoos.[12]
This man came into Pannonia and crossed the Danube with his troops. And the barbarians who were there beat off this [attack].[13]
Greek Original:*)adriano/s: basileu\s *(rwmai/wn. h)=n de\ to\ ge/nos bouleutou= patro\s e)strathghko/tos *)/afrou: ou(/tw ga\r w)noma/zeto: fu/sin de\ filolo/gos e)n e(kate/ra| th=| glw/ssh|: kai/ tina peza\ kai\ e)n e)/pesi poih/mata pantodapa\ kate/lipe. filotimi/a| te ga\r a)plh/stws e)xrh=to kai\ kata\ tou=to kai\ ta)/lla pa/nta kai\ ta\ braxu/tata e)peth/deue: kai\ ga\r e)/plasse kai\ e)/grafe kai\ ou)de\n o(/ ti ou) kai\ ei)rhniko\n kai\ polemiko\n kai\ basiliko\n kai\ i)diwtiko\n ei)de/nai e)/lege. kai\ tou=to me\n ou)de/n pou tou\s a)nqrw/pous e)/blapten: o( de\ dh\ fqo/nos au)tw=| deino/tatos e)s pa/ntas tou/s tini proe/xontas w)\n pollou\s me\n kaqei=le, suxnou\s de\ a)pw/lese. boulo/menos ga\r pa/ntwn e)n pa=si periei=nai e)mi/sei tou\s e)/n tini u(perai/rontas. ka)k tou/tou kai\ to\n *fabwri=non *gala/thn to/n te *dionu/sion to\n *milh/sion tou\s sofista\s katalu/ein e)pexei/rei toi=s te a)/llois kai\ ma/lista tw=| tou\s a)ntagwnista\s sfw=n e)cai/rein, tou\s me\n mhdeno\s, tou\s de\ braxuta/tou tino\s a)ci/ous o)/ntas. ou(=tos e)n e)pistolh=| e)/graye ta/ te a)/lla megalofronhsa/menos, kai\ e)pomo/sas mh/te ti tw=n dhmosi/w| sumfero/ntwn poih/sein mh/te bouleuth/n tina a)posfa/cein, kai\ e)cw/leian e(autw=|, a)\n kai\ o(tiou=n au)tw=n e)kbh=|, proseparasa/menos: a)ll' o(/mws dieblh/qh ei)s polla/. ou(=tos h)=n h(du\s me\n e)ntuxei=n kai\ e)ph/nqei tis au)tw=| xa/ris, th=| te *lati/nwn kai\ *(ellh/nwn glw/tth| a)/rista xrw/menos: ou) mh\n e)pi\ prao/thti tro/pwn a)/gan e)qauma/zeto, peri/ te th\n tw=n dhmosi/wn xrhma/twn e)spoudakw\s a)/qroisin. ou(=tos fu/sei toiou=tos h)=n w(/ste mh\ mo/non toi=s zw=sin a)lla\ kai\ toi=s teteleuthko/si fqonei=n: to\n gou=n *(/omhron katalu/wn *)anti/maxon a)nt' au)tou= e)sh=gen, ou(= mhde\ to\ o)/noma polloi\ pro/teron h)pi/stanto. h)|tiw=nto me\n dh\ tau=ta/ te au)tou= kai\ to\ pa/nu a)kribe\s to/ te peri/ergon kai\ polu/pragmon: e)qera/peue de\ au)ta\ kai\ a)nela/mbane th=| te a)/llh| e)pimelei/a| kai\ pronoi/a| kai\ megaloprepei/a| kai\ decio/thti, kai\ tw=| mh/te tina\ po/lemon tara/cai kai\ tou\s o)/ntas pau=sai, mh/te tina\ xrh/mata a)di/kws a)fele/sqai, kai\ polloi=s polla\ kai\ dh/mois kai\ i)diw/tais xari/sasqai. h)=n de\ periergo/tatos kai\ mantei/ais kai\ magganei/ais pantodapai=s e)xrh=to. paidika/ te au)tou= e)gego/nei *)anti/noo/s tis: e)/ktise de\ po/lin kai\ sunw/|kisen a)p' au)tou= te w)no/mase. kai/ tina o(rw=nta *)anti/noon le/gein. ou(=tos e)s *pannoni/an a)fi/keto kai\ to\n *)/istron meta\ tw=n o(/plwn dienh/cato. kai\ tou=to oi( paro/ntes ba/rbaroi e)cepla/ghsan.
[1] Publius Aelius
Hadrianus, ruled 117-138. See generally A.R. Birley in OCD(4) pp.641-2;
DIR entry (Herbert Benario) at web address 1. The present entry, apart from one short extract from John of
Antioch (see n.8 below), draws on the epitome and excerpts of
Cassius Dio book 69, sections 2ff.
[2] Hadrian's father, Publius Aelius
Hadrianus, surnamed Afer ("African"), died when Hadrian was 9; Hadrian then become the ward of his father's cousin, the emperor Trajan (
tau 902).
[3] Greek and Latin.
[4] See generally
phi 4. For
Favorinus and Hadrian cf.
Scriptores Historiae Augustae,
Hadrian 15.11.
Cassius Dio 69.3.1-4.
[6] The preposition
e)/cw, in Dio, is omitted by the lexicographer, corrupting the sense. The phrase should read, as supplemented here, "anything outside of what was beneficial to the public".
Cassius Dio 69.2.4.
[8] John of
Antioch fr.113 FHG (4.581), now 195 Roberto.
[9] Antimachus of Colophon:
alpha 2681.
Cassius Dio 69.4.6-5.1.
[11] Antino-opolis, in Egypt (Barrington Atlas map 77 grid D1).
Cassius Dio 69.11.3-4; cf.
pi 858. This last sentence is somewhat sketchy, but perhaps refers to Dio's account that Hadrian saw a star which he was convinced was the spirit of Antinoos.
Cassius Dio 69.9.6. The Roman province of Pannonia occupied a region that stretches from modern-day eastern Austria into western Hungary (Barrington Atlas map 20 grids C3, D4, E4).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; military affairs; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 February 2002@21:11:17.
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