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Search results for alpha,522 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)adrani/a
Adler number: alpha,522
Translated headword: powerless
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning something] weak.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related noun] a)drani/a ["powerlessness"], [meaning] incapacity, weakness.[2]
In the Epigrams: "he dedicated [his fishing gear to Hermes], fearing the powerlessness of old age."[3]
And elsewhere: "since he has outswum the better part of his youth, he is bound by powerlessness from old age".[4]
It also signifies a name of a river.[5]
But a)dranei/a with a diphthong [is] from the masculine form a)dranh/s.
Greek Original:
*)adrane/s: a)sqene/s. kai\ *)adrani/a, h( a)dunami/a, a)sqe/neia. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: a)/nqeto deimai/nwn gh/raos a)drani/hn. kai\ au)=qis: e)pei\ parenh/cato to\ pleu=n h(/bhs, e)k gh/rws d' a)drani/h| de/detai. shmai/nei de\ kai\ o)/noma potamou=. *)adranei/a de\ di/fqoggon a)po\ tou= a)dranh/s a)rsenikou=.
[1] Likewise in other lexica; references at Photius alpha383 Theodoridis. The headword, neuter singular of this adjective [the SOL headword, adrania, is the entry's supplementary one: see n.2 below], must be quoted from somewhere; there are numerous possibilities.
[2] Same in Etymologicum Magnum 18.51 and elsewhere.
[3] Greek Anthology 6.29.2 (Julian, prefect of Egypt). See another excerpt from this epigram at alpha 1235.
[4] Greek Anthology 6.296.5-6 (Leonidas of Tarentum), a dedication to Hermes of his implements by a huntsman who is retiring from his trade; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 123), (vol. II, 358-359), and further extracts from this epigram at alpha 4229 and tau 398.
[5] Presumably the R. Adranios, which flows down from Mt. Etna in eastern Sicily: Barrington Atlas map 47 grid F3.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge 1965)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge 1965)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 March 2001@23:52:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note) on 17 March 2001@07:45:03.
William Hutton (Modified translation) on 17 March 2001@23:30:04.
David Whitehead (restorative cosmetics) on 17 February 2003@08:01:16.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 11 January 2012@08:47:19.
David Whitehead on 19 August 2013@06:05:43.
David Whitehead (expanded 2 notes) on 26 April 2015@04:28:59.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 26 April 2015@23:55:09.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.4, added bibliography, added keyword) on 19 November 2018@22:46:04.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 25 September 2020@01:19:25.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.4) on 10 April 2021@17:14:27.
Ronald Allen (added cross-reference n.3) on 3 September 2023@12:21:31.


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