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Search results for alpha,498 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)ado/khton
Adler number: alpha,498
Translated headword: unexpected; (?)inglorious
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning someone or something] denied/disclaimed.
"[He] fearful lest they might attack them unguarded; which is of course what happened, not unexpected[ly], once their band of robbers advanced".[1]
Also [sc. attested is the masculine nominative singular] a)do/khtos, [meaning] unexpected.
Greek Original:
*)ado/khton: dieyeusme/non. dediw\s mh\ a)fula/ktois au)toi=s e)pipe/soien: o(\ dh\ ou)k a)do/khton e)gego/nei, e)pei\ kai\ lh|sth/rion au)tw=n proe/baine. kai\ *)ado/khtos, a)prosdo/khtos.
The headword is either masculine/feminine accusative singular or neuter nominative/accusative singular of this two-termination adjective. It must be quoted from somewhere: there are numerous possibilities in addition to the quotation given here, where in any case the Suda's gloss does not quite fit the sense needed. LSJ (entry at web address 1) registers the meanings 'unexpected' and, in Pindar, '(?)inglorious.
[1] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 15 February 2000@21:30:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Altered wording, added link.) on 23 August 2000@01:42:49.
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 25 January 2001@05:03:43.
Catharine Roth (Improved link.) on 25 January 2001@12:36:40.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 February 2011@04:40:03.
David Whitehead on 27 February 2011@04:46:55.
David Whitehead on 11 January 2012@06:01:30.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note and link) on 5 December 2013@00:48:50.
David Whitehead on 5 December 2013@02:50:52.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 14 February 2015@11:02:05.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords; tweaking) on 25 April 2015@10:57:34.


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