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Search results for alpha,488 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)adina/
Adler number: alpha,488
Translated headword: thronged, close-packed
Vetting Status: high
Meaning in crowds, everyone.
Or [the related adverb] a)dinw=s, [meaning] piteously.
Also [sc. attested is the singular] a)dino/n, [meaning] crowded or lamentable.
Greek Original:
*)adina/: a)nti\ tou= a)qro/oi, pa/ntes. h)\ *)adinw=s, oi)ktrw=s. kai\ *)adino\n, to\ a)qro/on h)\ goero/n.
The headword is neuter plural of the adjective a(dino/s (sic: unaspirated here), on which see generally LSJ s.v. It is probably extracted from one of its 7 instances in Homer; so too the singular a(dino/n (sic: 5 instances); and the adverb from Iliad 19.314.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 October 1999@21:24:04.
Vetted by:
William Hutton on 21 November 1999@13:37:29.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Changed status.) on 22 July 2000@21:41:58.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; restorative cosmetics) on 30 April 2002@08:35:47.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; betacoding and other cosmetics) on 11 January 2012@05:03:09.


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