Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,4740 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4740
Translated headword: faint-hearted, spiritless
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "When he saw the advance-guards, Phameas, though not a faint-hearted man, used to avoid engagements with Scipio. And once, when he had approached the observation-posts, he got under the shelter of a steep ridge and waited [there] for a considerable time."
Greek Original:*)/ayuxos: ta\s profulaka\s ble/pwn o( *fame/as, w)\n ou)k a)/yuxos, e)ce/kline ta\s pro\s to\n *skipi/wna sumploka/s. kai/ pote suneggi/sas tai=s e)fedrei/ais, probalo/menos o)fru\n a)po/tomon a)pe/sth kai\ plei/w xro/non.
Polybius 36.8.3 (preserved only here in the Suda); again, in part, at
phi 62.
"Phameas" is an alternative name for Hamilcar: see
alpha 1596.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 June 2001@00:11:29.
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