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Search results for alpha,4731 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4731
Translated headword: readily-sated, fickle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who is] easily-changed.
Or one who only has to touch something to be quickly satiated.
"[Scipio] knew the nomads' easy satiety and fickleness towards men."[1]
And elsewhere: "it is necessary to be consistent towards friends and never readily-sated."[2]
Greek Original:*(ayi/koros: eu)meta/blhtos. h)\ o( taxe/ws kai\ a(/ma tw=| a(/yasqai korennu/menos. ei)dw\s tw=n *noma/dwn th\n a(yikori/an kai\ th\n a)qesi/an th\n pro\s a)nqrw/pous. kai\ au)=qis: sunthrhtiko\n dei= ei)=nai pro\s tou\s fi/lous kai\ mhdamou= a(yi/koron.
[1] An approximation of
Polybius 14.1.4.
[2] An even looser approximation of Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations 1.16.2.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2001@23:55:15.
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