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Adler number: alpha,4696
Translated headword: Achillean prayer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "That someday a longing for Achilles shall come to the sons of the Achaeans."[1]
Camillus, the general of the Romans, prayed an Achillean prayer, that in time the Romans would yearn for Camillus. It happened not too much later; for when the Celts took their city, the people fled to Camillus and again elected him dictator, as it is recorded in the Celtic Matters.[2]
Greek Original:*)axi/lleios eu)xh/: h)= pot' *)axillh=os poqh\ i(/cetai ui(=as *)axaiw=n. o( *ka/millos, o( *(rwmai/wn strathgo\s, eu)/cato th\n *)axi/lleion eu)xh\n, e)pipoqh=sai *(rwmai/ous *ka/millon e)n kairw=|. a)ph/nthse de\ au)tw=| ou) polu\ u(/steron: *keltw=n ga\r th\n po/lin katalabo/ntwn o( dh=mos e)pi\ *ka/millon kate/fuge, kai\ dikta/twra au)=qis ei(/leto, w(s e)n tai=s *keltikai=s pra/cesin a)nage/graptai.
Iliad 1.240 (web address 1 below).
[2] Appian,
Italica fr. 8. For Marcus Furius Camillus see
kappa 283, and generally OCD(4) p.595. The episode in question here is the Gallic sack of Rome in 390 BCE.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; constitution; definition; epic; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 June 2001@14:00:44.
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