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Search results for alpha,4694 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4694
Translated headword: Ahijah, Achias, Akhias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This prophet lived when Jeroboam was king of the Hebrews. During that time when his child was sick, he told his wife to go where Achias stayed to ask about her child's health after disguising herself in different garments. But when she was about to enter the house of [Ahijah] who had diminished vision because of his age, God appeared to him and announced both things: that she was the wife of Jeroboam and what he was going to say to her. And as she was walking by like a stranger, he shouted, "come in, woman, why do you conceal yourself? For you cannot hide from God. Go back to your husband; thus says the Lord: since I made you big from something small and insignificant, and I split the kingdom off from the family of
David and gave it to you, but you forgot all these things and abandoned my worship -- you form gods of molten metal and honor them -- I will sweep you back out and lay waste to your entire family, and I will turn you into food for dogs and birds. Part of my vengeance will be upon the people, who will be banished from the good land and scattered into the regions beyond the Euphrates, because they followed your impieties. And you will find your son dead." And this is just what happened.
Greek Original:*)axi/as: profh/ths ou(=tos e)pi\ *(ieroboa\m basile/ws tw=n *(ebrai/wn h)=n. ka/mnontos d' au)tw=| kat' e)kei=non kairo\n tou= paido\s, th\n gunai=ka au)tou= prose/tacen h(/kein, e)/nqa die/triben o( *)axi/as, peri\ th=s tou= paido\s u(gei/as, metasxhmatisame/nhs th\n stolh/n. mellou/shs de\ au)th=s ei)s th\n oi)ki/an ei)sie/nai ta\s o)/yeis h)maurwme/nou dia\ to\ gh=ras, e)pifanei\s o( qeo\s a)mfo/tera au)tw=| mhnu/ei, th/n te tou= *(ieroboa\m gunai=ka, kai\ ti/ me/llei le/gein au)th=|. kai\ pariou/shs w(s ce/nhs a)nebo/hsen: ei)/selqe, w)= gu/nai: ti/ kru/pteis sauth/n; to\n ga\r qeo\n ou) lanqa/neis. a)/pelqe de\ pro\s to\n a)/ndra: ta/de le/gei ku/rios: e)pei/ se me/gan e)k mikrou= kai\ mhdeno\s o)/ntos e)poi/hsa, kai\ a)posxi/sas th\n basilei/an a)po\ tou= *dabi\d ge/nous soi\ tau/thn e)/dwka, su\ de\ tou/twn h)mnhmo/nhsas kai\ th\n e)mh\n qrhskei/an katalipw\n xwneutou\s qeou\s kateskeu/asas kai\ tou/tous tima=|s, se\ pa/lin kaqairh/sw kai\ pa=n e)coloqreu/sw sou to\ ge/nos kai\ kusi\ kai\ o)/rnisi bora\n gene/sqai poih/sw. meqe/cei de\ th=s timwri/as kai\ to\ plh=qos e)kpeso\n th=s a)gaqh=s gh=s diaspare\n ei)s tou\s pe/ran *eu)fra/tou to/pous, dio/ti toi=s soi=s a)sebh/masi kathkolou/qhse. to\n de\ so\n ui(o\n katalh/yh| teqnhko/ta. a(/per kai\ ge/gonen.
Jewish Antiquities 8.267-272; derived from
1 Kings (
3 Kingdoms LXX) 14. See also
iota 174.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; clothing; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; medicine; religion; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 January 2002@17:14:30.
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