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Adler number: alpha,4688
Translated headword: Acheron
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A certain place in the middle of everything; in it occurs a drawing-up and swallowing of waters, until complete inundation; [it is] a dim and dark place. Yet Acheron is like a place of healing, not a place of punishment, cleansing and purging the sins of humans.
Greek Original:*)axe/rwn: to/pos tis me/sos tou= panto/s: e)n w(=| a)ni/mhsi/s e)stin u(da/twn kai\ kata/posis, a)/xri tou= te/lmatos tou= panto\s, skoteino/s tis kai\ a)feggh/s. o( de\ *)axe/rwn kaqarsi/w| e)/oike kai\ ou) kolasthri/w|, r(u/ptwn kai\ smh/xwn ta\ a(marth/mata tw=n a)nqrw/pwn.
For Acheron see already
alpha 4687. The source of the present entry is ps.-
Scholia mythologica 5.31 (on Gregory of Nazianzus, PG 36, 1053d-56a).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; geography; mythology; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Samuel Huskey on 29 July 2000@15:18:27.
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