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Headword: *)/axaz
Adler number: alpha,4668
Translated headword: Ahaz
Vetting Status: high
King of Jerusalem. He sent the silver in the treasuries to Tilgath-Pilesar, the Assyrians' king, asking that he save him from the Syrians and the Israelites. And that man sent him aid and marched against Damascus. Ahaz met him there and saw an altar and being pleased with it he took measurements of it and sent to Jerusalem commanding Uriah the priest to build such a one there. And he came back and sacrificed on it to the gods tof the Syrians and he shut up the temple of God.[1] And when he had died, his son by Raboa, the daughter of Zechariah, Hezekiah, ruled in Jerusalem and was more pious than all.[2]
Greek Original:
*)/axaz, basileu\s *(ierousalh/m. ou(=tos to\ e)n toi=s qhsauroi=s a)rgu/rion e)/pemye *qeglafalasa\r, tw=| *)assuri/wn basilei=, deo/menos r(usqh=nai *su/rwn te kai\ *)israhlitw=n. ka)kei=nos au)tw=| bohqw=n e)pestra/teuse *damaskw=|. e)ntau=qa au)tw=| suntuxw\n *)/axaz e)qea/sato qusiasth/rion kai\ a)resqei\s au)tw=| me/tra te au)tou= labw\n a)pe/steilen ei)s *(ierousalh\m keleu/sas *ou)ri/a| tw=| i(erei= toiou=ton au)to/qi oi)kodomh=sai. kai\ a)nazeu/cas e)/qusen e)p' au)tw=| toi=s *su/rwn qeoi=s to\n nao\n a)poklei/sas tou= qeou=. tou/tou de\ teleuth/santos, o( ui(o\s au)tou= *)ezeki/as kai\ *(rabou/a th=s *zaxari/ou qugatro\s basileu/ei e)n *(ierousalh\m a(pa/ntwn eu)sebe/steros.
Same entry in ps.-Zonaras.
For Ahaz see also under epsilon 277, (theta 89), phi 24.
[1] This story is recounted in the Septuagint: 2 Kings 16.7-16 and 2 Chronicles 28.20-25.
[2] 2 Chronicles 29.1 gives Hezekiah's mother's name as Abijah.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 September 2000@16:51:45.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 29 August 2002@02:03:54.
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 23 February 2003@11:01:05.
David Whitehead (x-refs) on 12 July 2009@09:04:39.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 9 May 2012@05:26:17.
David Whitehead on 11 September 2015@08:08:32.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 2 January 2016@01:12:58.


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