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Adler number: alpha,4653
Translated headword: Aphrodite, Venus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They sculpt the statue of her holding a comb, since a pestilential itch once afflicted the womenfolk of the Romans,[1] and when they all shaved themselves, their combs became useless to them; they prayed to Aphrodite to regrow their hair and honoured her with a statue [of her] holding a comb and having a beard; because she had both male and female parts. For they say she was the overseer of every birth, and they say she was a man from her loins up and a woman down below. But they also sculpt her on horseback, because Aeneas, her son, sailed off to the west and after this rode on horseback, and honoured his mother with this sort of statue.
Greek Original:*)afrodi/th: tau/ths to\ a)/galma pla/ttousi kte/na fe/ron, e)peidh\ sune/bh pote\ tai=s tw=n *(rwmai/wn gunaici\ knh/fhn loimw/dh gene/sqai, kai\ curoume/nwn pasw=n gego/nasin au)tai=s oi( kte/nes a)xrei=oi: eu)came/nas de\ th=| *)afrodi/th| a)natrixwqh=nai, timh=sai/ te au)th\n a)ga/lmati kte/na fe/rousan kai\ ge/neion e)/xousan: dio/ti kai\ a)/rrena kai\ qh/lea e)/xei o)/rgana. tau/thn ga\r le/gousin e)/foron gene/sews pa/shs, kai\ a)po\ th=s o)sfu/os kai\ a)/nw le/gousin au)th\n a)/rrena, ta\ de\ ka/tw qh/leian. pla/ttousi de\ au)th\n kai\ e)/fippon, o(/ti *ai)nei/as o( ui(o\s au)th=s pleu/sas me/xri th=s du/sews meta\ tou=to i(/ppw| e)pe/bh, kai\ th\n mhte/ra e)ti/mhse toiou/tw| a)ga/lmati.
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 153.16-154.7 (ps.-Codinus,
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.7).
[1] cf.
kappa 1872.
On the cult of Venus Genetrix, and in general, see R.Schilling, La religion romaine de Venus (1954, repr. 1982).
Keywords: aetiology; art history; children; clothing; daily life; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; imagery; medicine; mythology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 November 2000@18:37:01.
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