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Adler number: alpha,4647
Translated headword: Africanus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Called Sectus,[1] a philosopher, a Libyan,[2] he wrote the
Kestoi ["Charmed Girdles"] in 24 books.[3] They are physical treatises, of a sort, containing spells from the words and the charms and certain written characters and other operations. It was against him that
Origen wrote, having formulated an objection about the
Book of Susannah, the one [inserted] into the [
Book of] Daniel.[4]
Greek Original:*)afrikano/s, o( *se/ktos xrhmati/sas, filo/sofos, *li/bus, o( tou\s *kestou\s gegrafw\s e)n bibli/ois kd#. ei)si\ de\ oi(onei\ fusika\, e)/xonta e)k lo/gwn te kai\ e)paoidw=n kai\ graptw=n tinwn xarakth/rwn i)a/seis te kai\ a)lloi/wn e)nergeiw=n. kata\ tou/tou e)/grayen *)wrige/nhs e)/nstasin poihsa/menos peri\ tou= th=s *swsa/nnhs bibli/ou, tou= ei)s to\n *danih/l.
First half of C3 CE. OCD(4) p.755, under 'Iulius Africanus,
[1] That is,
[2] Actually from Aelia Capitolina (
[3] cf. under
kappa 1428.
[4] cf.
sigma 856. But actually the objection (involving the genealogy of Jesus) was made by Africanus himself in a letter to
Origen (for whom see
omega 182).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; geography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 June 2001@22:03:04.
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