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Headword: *)afosiou/meqa
Adler number: alpha,4639
Translated headword: we make atonement, we fulfill (an obligation), we do (something) for form's sake
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] we perform something holy, of course.[1] Also [sc. attested is the related participle] a)fosiou/menos ["fulfilling"], [meaning he] completing, performing the rite. "But fulfilling the oath of the eparchos he contrived as follows."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the plural] a)fosiou/menoi, meaning honoring.[3]
Or performing something holy and pure and due. Because of this we say the rite for those who have passed away; that is, we owe nothing more to them, we are free from liability. Thus it is the custom for us to say both a)fosiw/sasqai ["that we have fulfilled"] and so many things of this kind, that is, "I am free from liability".[4]
Also[5] [sc. attested is] a)fosiw=, meaning I cleanse, I purify; Aeschines [sc. uses the word].[6]
Not to do something completely, but, for example, to lead on or pretend; Isaeus says [this].[7]
Also [sc. attested is] a)fosiw/sas ["having fulfilled"], [meaning he] having cleansed, or having entertained; or performing the rite, that is, a funeral, or the remembrance at death.[8]
Also [sc. attested is the aorist infinitive] a)fosiw=sai ["to fulfill"], [meaning] to cleanse.
Also [sc. attested is the future] a)fosiw/setai ["will fulfill"], [meaning] will offer first-fruits.
Also [sc. attested is the infinitive] a)fosiou=sqai, [meaning] to sanctify rites, and not to overdo it or be [over-]ambitious. But hosia ["holy things"] is the name for groats drenched with oil and wine; and [things which are] proper and just.
Also [sc. attested is the noun] a)fosi/wsis ["fulfilment"], [meaning] an offering.
Also [sc. attested is the participle] a)fosiwsa/menoi ["having fulfilled"], [meaning they] having set right.
Also [sc. attested is] a)fosiw/menoi ["fulfilling"], [meaning they] honoring, or offering first-fruits.
"As he perceived clearly that Isidore was brushing him off and only going through the motions, he went away and left and no longer approached [him]."[9]
Greek Original:
*)afosiou/meqa: to\ o(/sion prospoiou/meqa dh=qen. kai\ *)afosiou/menos, plhroforw=n, poih/sas th\n o(si/an. o( de\ a)fosieu/menos th\n e)co/rkwsin tou= e)pa/rxou e)mhxana=to toia/de. kai\ *)afosiou/menoi, a)nti\ tou= timw=ntes. h)\ to\ o(/sion poiou=ntes kai\ kaqaro\n kai\ to\ o)feilo/menon. dia\ tou=to kai\ th\n o(si/an e)pi\ tw=n a)pelqo/ntwn fame/n: toute/stin ou)de\n o)fei/lomen au)toi=s loipo/n, ou)k e)sme\n u(peu/qunoi. ou(/tws h(mi=n e)/qos le/gein, kai\ to\ a)fosiw/sasqai kai\ o(/sa toiau=ta, toute/stin ou)k ei)mi\ u(peu/qunos. kai\ *)afosiw=, a)nti\ tou= a)pokaqai/rw, a)fagni/zw, *ai)sxi/nhs. to\ de\ mh\ e)ntelw=s ti poih=sai, a)ll' oi(=on a)pa/rcasqai h)\ sxhmati/sasqai, *)isai=os le/gei. kai\ *)afosiw/sas, kaqa/ras, h)\ cenw/sas: h)\ th\n o(si/an poiw=n, toute/sti khdei/an, h)\ th\n e)pi\ tw=| qana/tw| mnh/mhn. kai\ *)afosiw=sai, kaqai/rein. kai\ *)afosiw/setai, a)pa/rcetai. kai\ *)afosiou=sqai, a)pokaqai/resqai o(si/as, kai\ to\ mh\ perierga/zesqai mhde\ filotimei=sqai. o(/sia de\ le/getai a)/lfita, dedeume/na e)lai/w| kai\ oi)/nw|: kai\ ku/ria kai\ di/kaia. kai\ *)afosi/wsis, a)na/qesis. kai\ *)afosiwsa/menoi, dikaiwsa/menoi. kai\ *)afosiw/menoi, timw=ntes, h)\ a)parxo/menoi. w(s de\ h)/|sqeto safw=s a)poseio/menon kai\ mo/non a)fosiou/menon to\n *)isi/dwron, w)/|xeto a)piw\n, kai\ ou)ke/ti prosh/|ei.
[1] Same or similar material in some other lexica. The headword (first person plural, present indicative middle, of a)fosio/w) is evidently quoted from somewhere.
[2] A garbled version of Herodotus 4.154.4; see in context at beta 185.
[3] cf. the scholia to Plato, Laws 873B, where a)fosiou/tw occurs.
[4] John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians, PG 62.96 (where the text has a)fwsiwsa/mhn "I have fulfilled my duty").
[5] The source for this paragraph is Harpokration s.v. a)fosiw=.
[6] Aeschines 3.120.
[7] Isaeus fr. 54 Sauppe.
[8] cf. omicron 684.
[9] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 298 Zintzen (172 Asmus). For this meaning of the verb see LSJ s.v., II.c.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 April 2002@07:18:43.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 28 August 2002@10:40:00.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 July 2011@07:28:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 7 May 2012@08:10:17.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 26 January 2014@05:32:19.
David Whitehead on 11 September 2015@07:34:39.
Catharine Roth (more headword translations, tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 February 2016@01:25:53.


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