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Headword: *)afei\s kai\ *)apalla/cas
Adler number: alpha,4599
Translated headword: having let go and having set free
Vetting Status: high
'Having let go' is when someone releases [someone] from the charges which he charged against him. But 'having set free' is when he persuades the person doing the charging to withdraw and cease bringing the charge. Thus Demosthenes and Isaeus [sc. use these word].[1] But one can also use the terms in the following way: one 'releases' [someone] only from those charges which one brings; while one 'sets free' when one allows not a single dispute to remain between oneelf and the accused. This is also found in Demosthenes.[2] And [there is] a proverb: "having let go the brace he chases the sheet". The proverb [is found] in Hyperides.[3] In reference to those who ignore more important matters and waste time on trivialites. 'Braces' are ropes on a ship by which the yardarm is shifted.
And 'to let one's self go and play' is said of those who while away time at festivals and let themselves lapse into childishness; it [applies] especially to children who have gone to play.
Look under "to strike against".[4]
Greek Original:
*)afei\s kai\ *)apalla/cas: to\ me\n a)fei/s e)stin, o(/tan a)polu/sh| tis tw=n e)gklhma/twn, w(=n e)neka/lei au)tw=|. to\ de\ a)palla/cas, o(/tan pei/sh| to\n e)gkalou=nta a)posth=nai kai\ mhke/ti e)gkalei=n. ou(/tws *dhmosqe/nhs kai\ *)isai=os. e)/sti de\ kai\ ou(/tws ei)pei=n, w(s a)fi/hsi/ tis mo/nwn e)kei/nwn, w(=n e)gkalei=: a)palla/ttei de\, o(/tan mhde\ a)/llon tina\ u(poli/phtai au(tw=| lo/gon pro\s to\n e)gkalou/menon. e)/sti de\ kai\ tou=to para\ tw=| *dhmosqe/nei. kai\ paroimi/a: a)fei\s th\n u(pe/ran to\n po/da diw/kei. h( paroimi/a para\ *(uperi/dh|. e)pi\ tw=n pare/ntwn me\n ta\ spoudaio/tera, peri\ de\ ta\ fau=la diatribo/ntwn. u(pe/rai d' ei)si\ nautikai\ sxoi=noi, ai(=s meta/getai to\ ke/ras. kai\ *)afei=sqai pai/zein le/getai e)pi\ tw=n e)n tai=s e(ortai=s a)rgou/ntwn kai\ pro\s paidia\n a)feime/nwn: ma/lista de\ e)pi\ pai/dwn a)feime/nwn pai/zein. zh/tei e)n tw=| a)ntituph=sai.
The first part of the entry (as far as n.2) is an abridgement of the one in Harpokration s.v.
[1] Demosthenes 36.25; Isaeus 5.14.
[2] Demosthenes 36.2.
[3] Hyperides fr. 181 Jensen; see already under alpha 4582.
[4] alpha 2733: a)ntituph=sai.
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; ethics; imagery; law; proverbs; religion; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 November 2000@01:45:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added notes) on 21 November 2000@03:35:52.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 28 August 2002@08:43:28.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:05:10.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 July 2011@07:00:34.


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