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Search results for alpha,4587 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4587
Translated headword: simplicity
Vetting Status: high
Translation: And
Damascius says that Isidore, besides simplicity, loved truthfulness especially, and undertook to be straight-talking beyond what was necessary, and had no pretence in himself whatsoever.[1]
Greek Original:*)afe/leia. kai\ *dama/skio/s fhsin, w(s *)isi/dwros pro\s th=| a)felei/a| kai\ a)yeu/deian h)ga/pa diafero/ntws kai\ a)pede/xeto w(/ste kai\ eu)qu/glwttos ei)=nai pe/ra tou= de/ontos, kai\ ou)d' o(tiou=n e)/xein e)n e(autw=| prospoiou/menon.
Keywords: biography; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 August 2001@17:12:18.
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