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Adler number: alpha,4576
Translated headword: simple
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "But he uttered something which, while foreign and simple, was nevertheless effective [and] useful: that it is necessary first to scare away the bees and then to take up the honey in a more leisurely [fashion]."[1]
Also [sc. attested is the masculine]
a)felh/s, in reference to someone sound and complete in all parts, or large and without restraint. And [the neuter]
a)fele/s likewise.[2]
"I hate the brazen woman, [sc. but] I really hate the prudish one."[3] In reference to one who is rascally and lewd.
"And to write letters simply".[4]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
a)felw=n pedi/wn ["of simple plains"]
Aristophanes [writes as follows] about
Crates:[5] "who having flowed with a lot of praise used to gush across the simple plains, and sweep up from their places and bear off the oaks and the plane trees and his enemies by the roots;[6] and in symposia it was impossible to sing anything except '[o] fig-shod Doro', and 'Makers of Skilful Songs', so popular was he. Now you don't pity him although you see him babbling, all his [lyre] pegs fallen out and the strings leaving gaping holes; but he's an old man and wanders around, just like Connas, not having any wreath, perishing from thirst, he who should be drinking in the Prytaneum on account of his former victories."[7] That is, often esteemed. For
Cratinus praised himself in the
Pytine, saying: "Lord Apollo, the rushing founts of the current of words, the twelve-springed source, the
Ilissos of the throat; what should I say? If a person does not stop up his mouth, you will deluge their mouths."[8]
Greek Original:*)afele/s: o( de\ e)pifqe/ggetai barbariko\n me/n ti kai\ a)fele\s, e)nergo\n de\ o(/mws xrh/simon, w(s dei= pro/teron a)posobei=n ta\s meli/ttas kai\ e)/peita to\ me/li sxolai/teron a)nairei=sqai. kai\ *)afelh/s, e)pi\ tou= u(gih\s kai\ o(lo/klhros, h)\ me/gas kai\ a)nepikw/lutos. kai\ a)fele\s o(moi/ws. misw= th\n a)felh=, misw= th\n sw/frona li/an. e)pi\ th=s a)ponh/rou kai\ dosipu/gou. kai\ ta\ e)pisto/lia a)felw=s gra/fein. kai\ *)afelw=n pedi/wn. *)aristofa/nhs peri\ *kra/thtos: o(\s pollw=| r(eu/sas e)pai/nw| dia\ tw=n a)felw=n pedi/wn e)/rrei, kai\ th=s sta/sews parasu/rwn e)fo/rei ta\s dru=s kai\ ta\s plata/nous kai\ tou\s e)xqrou\s proqelu/mnous: a)=|sai d' ou)k h)=n e)n sumposi/ois plh\n, do/ru sukope/dile, kai\, te/ktones eu)pala/mwn u(/mnwn: ou(/tws h)/nqhsen e)kei=nos. nu=n d' u(mei=s au)to\n o(rw=ntes paralhrou=nt' ou)k e)leei=te, e)kpiptousw=n tw=n h)le/ktrwn kai\ tou/tou ou)k e)/t' o)/ntos tw=n q' a(rmoniw=n diaxaskousw=n: a)lla\ ge/rwn w)\n perie/rrei, w(/sper *konna=s, ste/fanon me\n e)/xwn, di/yh| d' a)polwlw/s, o(\n xrh=n dia\ ta\s prote/ras ni/kas pi/nein e)n tw=| prutanei/w|. toute/stin eu)dokimh/sas polla/kis. o( ga\r *krati=nos e(auto\n e)ph/|nesen e)n *puti/nh| le/gwn: a)/nac *)/apollon, tw=n e)pw=n tou= r(eu/matos kanaxou=si phgai\, dwdeka/krounon sto/ma, *)ilisso\s e)n th=| faruggi/a|: ti/ a)\n ei)/poimi; ei) mh/ge e)pibu/sei tis au)tou= to\ sto/ma, kataklu/sei toi=s sto/masin.
The headword, neuter singular of this adjective, is presumably extracted from the first quotation given.
Histories 3.6 (p.149 Niebuhr); cf.
sigma 1800. In this episode (555 CE) during the Lazic War (541-562), Wilgang, the commander of the Heruli (cf.
epsilon 901,
epsilon 3058) contingent supporting the Romans, offers this aphorism to the generals contemplating an attack on the Persian garrison at Onogouris (Onoguris, probably near the modern-day western Georgia village of Khuntsi, Barrington Atlas map 87 grid H2; cf. Everill (1-6)); cf. Frendo (73).
[2] From the
scholia to
Knights 527, quoted below.
Greek Anthology 5.42.1 (
Rufinus); cf.
delta 1482,
mu 1130. (This bad sense of the headword adjective is noted in LSJ s.v.)
[4] Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations 1.7.5.
Cratinus, rather.
[6] Cf.
sigma 1004.
Knights 526-535 (web address 1 below); cf.
delta 1441. Doro, Bribery personified, is corrupted by the lexicographer to
do/ru ("spear"). For Connas see
kappa 2027. For the Prytaneum (City Hall), where amongst other things celebrities were fed at public expense, see
pi 2999.
Cratinus fr. 186 Kock, now 198 K.-A.; again at
delta 1441.
P. Everill, et al., "The lost fortress of Onoguris? Newly discovered sixth-century AD fortifications at Khuntsistsikhe, western Georgia", Antiquity, vol. 91, no. 356 (April 2017) 1-6
J.D. Frendo, trans., Agathias: The Histories, (Berlin 1975)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; proverbs; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 March 2002@08:09:27.
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