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Search results for alpha,4561 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4561
Translated headword: touch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: One of the five senses. From the second conjugation verb a)fw=[1] ["I touch"]; from which has come the derivative a)fa/ssw ["I feel"]. Touch [a(fh/] can have been derived both from a(fw= [pronounced] perispomenon[2], and from a(/fw [pronounced] barytone.[3]
Greek Original:*(afh/: mi/a tw=n e# ai)sqh/sewn. a)po\ tou= a)fw= r(h/matos deute/ras suzugi/as: e)c ou(= paragwgo\n ge/gone to\ a)fa/ssw. h( de\ a(fh\ du/natai kai\ a)po\ tou= a(fw= perispwme/nou gegone/nai, kai\ a)po\ tou= a(/fw baruto/nou.
Same entry in other lexica. See also
alpha 4600.
a)fw= here seems to be an error for
a(fw=, or else a hypothetical form providing etymology for
a)fa/ssw (for which see
alpha 4563).
a(fw=, the contracted form of
a(fa/w, "I handle", denominative verb from
a(fh/ (cf.
phi 578).
[3] The alleged verb
a(/fw (with recessive accent, not contract) is attested only here and in the parallel entries in other lexica. The normal verb for "I grasp, I kindle" is
a(/ptw, for which see
alpha 3708.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 2 August 2001@00:29:13.
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