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Adler number: alpha,449
Translated headword: Hadad, Ader, Aderos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The offender, who rebelled against Solomon. He was a child, of the Edomite race, of royal descent. When Joab,
David's general, had subdued Edom and in six months had killed all those who were of age and able to bear arms, this [Hadad] fled and came before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. He was hospitable towards him and took him in and gave to him a house and a plot of land for sustenance and when [Hadad] came to his prime he loved him very much, so he gave him the sister of his own wife to wed, Thaphines by name, by whom he had a son who was raised amongst the sons of the king. When he heard in Egypt of the death of
David and of that of Joab, he approached Pharaoh and asked to be released from him to go to his homeland. When the king asked him what lack there was or what hardships such that he was eager to leave him, he did not send him off at that point, but later, in the time when affairs were going badly for Solomon, on account of his aforementioned faults and transgressions and the anger of God for him over these same things, Hadad came by [the permission of] the Pharaoh into Edom. He ruled the Syrians and harassed the country of the Israelites, and he attacked Solomon.
Greek Original:*)/ader: o( a)lith/rios, o( e)panasta\s *solomw=nti. pai=s ou(=tos h)=n, *)idoumai=os ge/nos, e)k basilikw=n sperma/twn. katastreyame/nou de\ th\n *)idoumai/an *)iwa/bou tou= *dabi\d strathgou= kai\ pa/ntas tou\s e)n a)kmh=| kai\ fe/rein o(/pla duname/nous diafqei/rantos mhsi\n e(\c, fugw\n ou(=tos h(=ke pro\s *faraw\ to\n *ai)gu/ptou basile/a. o( de\ filofro/nws au)to\n u(podeca/menos oi)=ko/n te au)tw=| di/dwsi kai\ xw/ran ei)s diatrofh\n kai\ geno/menon e)n h(liki/a| li/an h)ga/pa, w(s kai\ th=s au)tou= gunaiko\s au)tw=| dou=nai pro\s ga/mon th\n a)delfh\n, o)/noma *qafi/nhn, e)c h(=s ui(o\s au)tw=| geno/menos toi=s tou= basile/ws paisi\ sunanetra/fh. a)kou/sas ou)=n to\n *dabi\d qa/naton e)n *ai)gu/ptw| kai\ to\n *)iwa/bou, proselqw\n e)dei=to tou= *faraw= e)pitre/pein au)tw=| badi/zein ei)s th\n patri/da. tou= de\ basile/ws a)nakri/nontos, ti/nos e)ndeh\s w)\n h)\ ti/ paqw\n e)spou/dake katalei/pein au)to\n, to/te me\n ou)k a)fei/qh, u(/steron de\ kaq' o(\n h)/dh kairo\n *solomw=ni ta\ pra/gmata kakw=s ei)=xe dia\ ta\s proeirhme/nas ai)ti/as kai\ paranomi/as kai\ th\n o)rgh\n th\n e)p' au)toi=s, tou= qeou= sugxwrh/santos tw=| *faraw=ni o( *)/aderos h(=ken ei)s th\n *)idoumai/an. o(\s th=s *suri/as basileu/sas kate/trexe th\n tw=n *)israhlitw=n xw/ran, e)piti/qetai de\ *solomw=ni.
Most of this entry is quoted directly from
Jewish Antiquities 8.200-204; see web address 1 below for the text on Perseus. Information about Hadad is also to be found in I
Kings 11:14-23.
The Suda gives
Ader as the headword but
Aderos in the gloss. The
Septuagint gives this name as
Ader and treats the word as an indeclinable while the Hebrew of the Nevi'im gives הדד
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 March 2001@19:37:29.
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