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Search results for alpha,4489 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4489
Translated headword: teeth-and-all manner
Vetting Status: high
Translation: That is, a biting one, an aggressive one; or willful and irascible; since irascible people bite with their teeth.
Aristophanes [writes]: "fearing your natures and your teeth-and-all manner."[1] And elsewhere: "so that we give off the odor of women enraged teeth-and-all."[2] Meaning completely.
They have also construed
autodax as 'immediately'.[3]
Greek Original:*au)to/dacon tro/pon: toute/sti to\n da/knonta, to\n e)mpeso/nta: h)\ au)qa/dh kai\ o)rgi/lon: e)pei\ oi( o)rgi/loi da/knousi toi=s o)dou=sin. *)aristofa/nhs: ta\s fu/seis u(mw=n dedoikw\s kai\ to\n au)to/dacon tro/pon. kai\ au)=qis: i(/n' o)/zwmen gunaikw=n au)toda\c w)rgisme/nws. a)nti\ tou= pa/nu. *au)toda\c kai\ to\ paraxrh=ma a)podedw/kasin.
The headword phrase slightly misquotes one in
Peace 607, which occurs in full, similarly misquoted, in the entry itelf: see note 1 below. The original reads
au)toda\c tro/pon, not
au)to/dacon tropon. The correct form
au)toda/c appears in the second quotation from
Aristophanes (note 2 below) and in the last sentence of the entry.
Peace 607: web address 1.
Lysistrata 687 (= 689/90 Henderson): web address 2.
[3] Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; poetry; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 April 2002@08:22:28.
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