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Search results for alpha,4482 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4482
Translated headword: itself
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The philosophers used to call 'itself' anything that was said in its proper sense. By means of this 'itself' they also signified the abstract form, saying 'mankind itself' and 'opinion itself',[1] that is, properly and more conjectural than average and more of a opinion: and 'in truth itself', in the sense of 'more accurately'. So that it is 'opinion itself'.[2] For wherever one finds 'itself', there one finds things in their utmost and more accurate sense.
Greek Original:*au)to/: au)to\ e)/legon oi( filo/sofoi to\ kuri/ws lego/menon. kai\ th\n i)de/an dia\ tou= au)to\ e)dh/loun au)toa/nqrwpos le/gontes kai\ au)todo/caston, to\ kuri/ws kai\ ma=llon docasto\n kai\ ma=llon do/ca: kai\ au)toalhqw=s, h(=| e)sti ma=llon a)kribw=s. w(/ste e)sti\n au)todo/ca. e)n w(=| ga\r to\ au)to\, e)n tou/tw| ma/lista kai\ a)kribe/steron.
In the Greek (but hard to replicate in translation), the headword actually functions as a prefix. For an instance, see
alpha 4483.
[1] For what follows cf. Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 572.18-19; 573.7-8, 14-15.
Topica 162a30.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 31 March 2002@22:47:47.
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