Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,4466 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4466
Translated headword: slanders and all
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Attic expression. He said this[1] since Kleon, by slandering the other generals and currying favor with the masses, persuaded the Athenians to turn their eyes to him. As if we were to say: the chariots, riggings and all, horses and all. The subject is lacking. [As regards] 'the other Paphlagonians',[2] [he is saying] that while all are scoundrels, Kleon is especially so.
[It is] natural to Athenians to say 'riggings and all', 'baskets and all', without the preposition syn ["with"].[3]
Greek Original:*au)tai=si diabolai=s: *)attikh\ su/ntacis. tou=to de\ ei)=pen, e)pei\ diaba/llwn o( *kle/wn tou\s a)/llous strathgou\s kai\ proskrou/wn tw=| dh/mw| ei)s e(auto\n ble/pein tou\s *)aqhnai/ous e)/peisen. w(s ei) le/goimen, au)toi=s o(/plois ta\ a(/rmata, au)toi=s i(/ppois. lei/pei h( pro/qesis. tw=n a)/llwn de\ *paflago/nwn: w(s pa/ntwn me\n o)/ntwn ponhrw=n, e)caire/tws de\ tou= *kle/wnos. o(/ti su/ntrofon *)aqhnai/ois a)/neu th=s su/n proqe/sews le/gein au)toi=s o(/plois, au)toi=s tala/rois.
For the idiom cf.
alpha 4465.
Knights 7, scholiastic comment on which is followed here.
[2] A central conceit in this play (beginning at line 2) is that Kleon (
kappa 1731),
Aristophanes' target, was not a fellow-Athenian but an uncouth foreigner; cf.
pi 826, and for
Paphlagonia see generally OCD(4) s.v. (pp.1076-7).
[3] From
alpha 4540.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; poetry; proverbs; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 March 2002@16:37:44.
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