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Search results for alpha,4462 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4462
Translated headword: severe
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say[1] that all people of wisdom and character are severe, by virtue of the fact that they neither interact with people in accordance with pleasure, nor do they approve of what is done among others in accordance with pleasure. And [they say that] another person can be called 'severe' in comparison with 'severe wine', which they use in the preparation of drugs but not often as a beverage.
Comedy portrays the severe man as boorish.[2]
Greek Original:*au)sthro/s. au)sthrou\s ei)=nai/ fasi pa/ntas tou\s sofou\s kai\ spoudai/ous, tw=| mh/te au)tou\s kata\ h(donh\n o(milei=n mh/te par' a)/llois ta\ kaq' h(donh\n parade/xesqai. kai\ a)/llon de\ ei)=nai au)sthro\n, paraplhsi/ws lego/menon tw=| au)sthrw=| oi)/nw|, w(=| kata\ me\n farmakoposi/as xrw=ntai, pro\s de\ pro/posin ou) pa/nu. o(/ti to\n au)sthro\n h( kwmw|di/a a)/groikon h(gei=tai.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; imagery; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 March 2002@08:55:23.
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