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Search results for alpha,4457 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4457
Translated headword: breeze
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] wind.[1]
"The Khagan was scattering his oaths to be borne on the breezes; and all at once he raised the trumpet, the companion of war, and gathered his forces."[2]
Greek Original:*au)/ran: pnoh/n. o( de\ *xaga/nos tou\s o(/rkous tai=s au)/rais fe/rein e)di/dou, a)qro/on te th\n pole/mw| fi/lhn a)ra/menos sa/lpigga ta\s duna/meis h)/qroizen.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword is in the accusative case, quoted from
Orestes 1427; see the
scholia there.
[2] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 1.3.13-1.4.1; cf. de Boor (46) and Whitby (24). In May 583, the Avar khan's demand for an increase in tribute is rejected by Roman emperor Maurice, precipitating an Avar attack on the city of Singidunum (present-day Belgrade; cf. Barrington Atlas map 21 grid C5). On 'the Khagan' see
epsilon 134,
chi 2,
chi 3. On Maurice, see
mu 294 generally.
C. de Boor, ed., Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae, (Leipzig 1887, reprint 2022)
M. Whitby and M. Whitby, eds. and trans., The History of Theophylact Simocatta, (Oxford 1986)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; religion; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 March 2002@03:45:29.
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