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Adler number: alpha,4452
Translated headword: increase
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] growing.[1]
'To be nourished' and 'to be increased' are spoken of in the following ways. Those things that are nourished in each of their parts are also increased. But the things that seem to be increased as a result of addition are not increased in each of their parts, since 'increase' is not used to describe such cases but 'addition'. For if on top of a heap of grain I put another grain, the addition has happened not in all the parts of the heap, but on the one where the addition happened.[2]
This is also said in the case of stones; just as if someone were to say that the fire is increased when more wood is added. Thus also are metals increased when the liquid substance of which they consist solidifies from without, even when this changes to the same substance from the whole by means of the natural power in the earth.[3]
Thus 'to be increased' is employed in the case of things that have souls and have parts.
Greek Original:*au)/ch: h( bla/sthsis. tre/fesqai kai\ au)/cesqai le/getai e)kei=na, ta\ kata\ pa=n mo/rion trefo/mena kai\ au)co/mena. ta\ de\ kata\ pro/sqesin au)/cesqai dokou=nta ou) kata\ pa=n mo/rion e(autw=n au)/contai, dio\ ou)de\ au)/chsis e)p' e)kei/nwn le/getai, a)lla\ pro/sqesis. e)a\n ga\r e)pi\ swro\n si/tou prosqh/sw e(/teron si=ton, ou) di' o(/lwn tw=n mori/wn tou= swrou= h( pro/sqesis ge/gonen, a)ll' e)f' e(no/s, kaq' o(\ h( pro/sqesis e)ge/neto. le/getai de\ tou=to kai\ e)pi\ li/qwn: w(/sper a)\n ei) kai\ to\ pu=r au)/cesqai le/goi tis cu/lwn pleio/nwn prostiqeme/nwn. ou(/tw kai\ ta\ me/talla au)/cetai, u(gra=s ou)si/as e)/cwqen peripagei/shs, e)c h(=s sunesth/kasi, kai\ tau/ths metaballou/shs e)pi\ th\n au)th\n ou)si/an u(po\ th=s e)n th=| gh=| fusikh=s duna/mews e)k tou= panto/s. w(/ste e)pi\ tw=n e)myu/xwn kai\ e)xo/ntwn mo/ria le/getai to\ au)/cesqai.
Keywords: botany; definition; food; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 March 2002@00:29:27.
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