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Headword: *au)ce/ntios
Adler number: alpha,4450
Translated headword: Auxentios, Auxentius
Vetting Status: high
Bishop of Mopsuestia,[1] he was one of the so-called confessors. He was one of those attending the emperor Licinius[2] in a prominent capacity in the army, having become one of the clerks whom the Romans call notarii.[3] The manner of his confession was as follows: In a certain courtyard in the royal dwelling there was a water fountain and on it a statue of Dionysos; a magnificent vine grew all around it and made the whole place pleasantly shady and sheltered. Here Licinius arrived on the pretext of resting,[4] with Auxentius and many others from his retinue following. Looking up at the vine he saw a certain bunch of grapes, ripe and large, hanging from the branches. He ordered Auxentius to cut it. And he straightaway took off the dagger that was attached to his breeches and cut it, suspecting nothing. Then Licinius said to him: "Now put the bunch at the feet of Dionysos." But he answered, "No, my king, for I am Christian." And Licinius said: "Then resign from the army and remove yourself from my presence, for you must do one or the other of those two things." And he, without hesitation, undid his belt and gladly departed, just like that, from the palace. And after some time the authorities made him bishop of Mopsuestia. His younger brother was Theodoros, one of those who were educated at Athens. He later happened to be assigned to the bishopric of the church of Tarsos. For previously Aetios[5] by himself taught Eudoxios himself and other who were extremely worthy of note, but when he promoted Eunomios[6] to teaching duty, he immediately began to use him as a teacher most often instead of himself, especially in the case of those who were most advanced and in need of instruction. For the former was best at providing foundations, but the latter was far more capable of perfecting and explaining in a clear and impressive manner those that had been provided.
Greek Original:
*au)ce/ntios, *moyouesti/as e)pi/skopos: o(\s h)=n tw=n o(mologhtw=n o)nomazome/nwn. h)=n de\ para\ tw=n e)pifanw=s tw=| basilei= *likini/w| strateusame/nwn tw=n u(pografe/wn tou/tou geno/menos, ou(\s dh\ notari/ous *(rwmai=oi kalou=si. to\ de\ th=s o(mologi/as toio/nde ge/gonen ei)=dos: h)=n e)/n tini th=s basilikh=s e(sti/as au)lh=| krh/nh te u(/datos kai\ e)p' au)th=| *dionu/sou a)/galma kai\ a)/mpelos mega/lh perikeime/nh kai\ skiero\n e)pieikw=s kai\ sunhrefh= to\n a(/panta to/pon e)rgazome/nh. e)ntau=qa o( *liki/nios kata\ pro/fasin a)pagwgh=s a)fiko/menos, tou= te *au)centi/ou au)tw=| kai\ a)/llwn pollw=n e)k th=s qerapei/as parepome/nwn, ei)s th\n a)/mpelon a)nidw\n e)qea/sato bo/trun w(rai=o/n tina kai\ me/gan tw=n klhma/twn a)paiwrou/menon. tou=ton prose/tace tw=| *au)centi/w| temei=n. o( de\ au)ti/ka to\ proshrthme/non tai=s a)nacuri/sin au)tou= maxai/rion a)felo/menos e)/teme mhde\n u(peido/menos. o( ou)=n *liki/nios pro\s au)to/n: qe\s toi/nun to\n bo/trun, e)/fh, pro\s toi=s tou= *dionu/sou posi/n. o( de\, mh\, w)= basileu=, a)pekri/nato, *xristiano\s ga/r ei)mi. ka)kei=nos: ou)kou=n e)kpodw=n oi)xh/sh| th=s stratei/as a)popausa/menos: qa/teron ga\r toi=n duoi=n a)na/gkh poiei=n. o( de\ mhde\n mellh/sas th/n te zw/nhn e(autou= lu/etai kai\ a)/smenos e)cexw/rhsen, w(s ei)=xe, tw=n basilei/wn. kai\ au)to\n oi( e)/foroi meta/ tina xro/non u(/steron e)pi/skopon e)sth/santo th=s *moyouesti/as. tou/tou de\ a)delfo\s new/teros *qeo/dwros h)=n, a)nh\r tw=n *)aqh/nhsi paideuqe/ntwn: o(\s kai\ au)to\s xro/nw| u(/steron e)piskoph\n th=s *tarsou= e)kklhsi/as e)/tuxe klhrwsa/menos. o( ga\r dh\ *)ae/tios ta\ pro/tera di' e(autou= to/n te *eu)do/cion au)to\n kai\ a)/llous tou\s plei/stou lo/gou a)ci/ous dida/skwn, e)peidh\ to\n *eu)no/mion ei)s to\ th=s didaskali/as prou)bi/basen e)/rgon, tou/tw| h)/dh kata\ to\ plei=ston a)nq' e(autou= didaska/lw| e)xrh=to pro\s tou\s a)/llous kai\ tou\s ma/lista telewte/ras maqh/sews deome/nous. kai\ ga\r e)kei=nos me\n h)=n a)rxa\s parasxei=n a)/ristos, ou(=tos de\ ta\s doqei/sas e)rga/sasqai kai\ safw=s te a(/ma kai\ megaloprepw=s e(rmhneu=sai parapolu\ dunatw/teros.
From Philostorgius, Historia ecclesiastica 5.2, p. 67-68 Bidez-Winkelmann.
Auxentius, bishop of Mopsuestia (not to be confused with several homonyms, cf. upsilon 448), died in 360 CE.
[1] In Cilicia; see under theta 154.
[2] Licinius, emperor 308-324: see lambda 530, mu 171.
[3] cf. generally nu 505, upsilon 467.
[4] cf. alpha 2869.
[5] Aetios: alpha 571.
[6] Eunomios: epsilon 3598.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; botany; Christianity; clothing; daily life; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 March 2002@00:10:57.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 26 March 2002@15:29:38.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 9 June 2002@08:57:21.
Catharine Roth (augmented reference) on 28 November 2004@23:44:11.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@07:27:35.
David Whitehead (another note) on 10 November 2005@08:48:12.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 30 April 2012@08:37:05.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 6 December 2022@00:35:29.


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