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Adler number: alpha,4435
Translated headword: the girl piper has fallen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An ambiguity of expression, signifying two or even more things both colloquially and properly. For through [this expression] it is revealed both that the house has fallen three times and that the girl musician, the piper [has fallen]. See also under 'ambiguity'.[1]
Greek Original:*au)lhtri\s pe/ptwken: a)mfiboli/a le/cews, du/o h)\ kai\ plei/ona pra/gmata shmai/nousa lektikw=s kai\ kuri/ws. dhlou=tai ga\r di' au)th=s, o(/ti kai\ oi)ki/a tri\s pe/ptwke, kai\ o(/ti h( kiqarw|do\s h( au)lou=sa. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)mfiboli/a.
alpha 1706: see the note there, explaining the ambiguity of the expression (by different syllabic division of the Greek). Other Stoic ambiguities are listed and discussed by Galen in his treatise
On Fallacies due to language, chapter IV. For an excellent edition of this text, with an English translation and commentary, see Blair Edlow 1977. For the issue of ambiguity in Stoicism, see Atherton 1993.
Atherton, C., Stoics on Ambiguity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993)
Blair Edlow, R., Galen On Language and Ambiguity (Leiden: Brill 1977)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 March 2002@13:47:31.
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