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Search results for alpha,4430 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4430
Translated headword: back
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] from the beginning, again, for a second time.
They employ these things, along with 'again' [palin], in tandem.
It must be pointed out that au)=qis [is] Attic, but au)=tis Homeric.[1]
*au)=tis [can mean] 'backwards'; au)=qis [is] temporal.
"O twin-gated outline of rock, back once more again I will go to you bereft, having no livelihood."[2]
"Back once more again" [means] from the very beginning again. Or for a second time indeed again.
Greek Original:*au)=qis: e)c a)rxh=s, pa/lin, e)k deute/rou. e)k parallh/lou tiqe/asi kai\ tau=ta kai\ pa/lin. shmeiwte/on de\ o(/ti to\ me\n au)=qis *)attiko/n, to\ de\ au)=tis *(omhriko/n. *au)=tis, ei)s tou)pi/sw. *au)=qis, xroniko/n. w)= sxh=ma pe/tras di/pulon, au)=qis au)= pa/lin ei)/seimi pro\s se\ yilo\s, ou)k e)/xwn trofh/n. *au)=qis au)= pa/lin, e)c a)rxh=s dh\ pa/lin. h)\ e)k deute/rou dh\ pa/lin.
Same material, variously, in other lexica.
[1] cf. in brief
alpha 4480.
Philoctetes 952-3 (quoted again at
psi 105).
Keywords: chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 March 2002@13:29:33.
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