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Headword: *au)qe/kasta
Adler number: alpha,4425
Translated headword: matter-of-fact things
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] just the things that happen, that is indiscriminately, and abruptly, and precipitously. Or simple things and true things, with the epitome of precision.
Also [sc. attested is the masculine nominative singular] authekastos, a precise person, and severe in speech, and inflexible[1] in manner, undisguised.
"Yet those hostile toward him because of the inflexibility and [sc. excessive] purity of his laws seized him and announced that he had been caught red-handed in law-breaking."[2]
Greek Original:
*au)qe/kasta: au)ta\ ta\ geno/mena, oi(=on a)kri/tws, kai\ sunto/mws, kai\ a)poto/mws. h)\ ta\ a(pla= kai\ a)lhqh= au)toakribw=s. kai\ *au)qe/kastos, a)kribh\s, kai\ au)sthro\s tw=| lo/gw|, kai\ a)pare/gklhtos tw=| tro/pw|, a)paraka/luptos. oi( toi/nun a)pexqano/menoi pro\s au)to\n dia\ to\ au)qe/kaston tw=n no/mwn kai\ a)/mikton lamba/nontai/ te kai\ e)p' au)tofw/rw| a(lo/nta paranomou=nta e)dei/knusan.
cf. Posidippus fr. 40 Kock, now 41 K.-A.
[1] Here and in other lexica a)pare/gklhtos stands for the normal a)pare/gklitos.
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable. (Adler suggests Aelian.)
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 March 2002@10:47:09.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 11 April 2002@08:10:16.
David Whitehead (modified note; cosmetics) on 9 June 2002@08:32:24.
David Whitehead (modified tr; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 4 March 2011@10:19:30.
David Whitehead on 30 April 2012@06:36:22.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; cosmetics) on 27 December 2014@10:21:06.
David Whitehead (coding) on 10 September 2015@09:10:45.


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