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Headword: *au)goeidh/s
Adler number: alpha,4411
Translated headword: luminous
Vetting Status: high
So Isidore used to say that he had heard this also from him,[1] that the soul has a kind of luminous so-called vehicle, star-like and eternal. And indeed for some this astral body is shut up inside the head, but for others inside the right shoulder; [this is something] which nobody else appears to have reported.
Greek Original:
*au)goeidh/s: e)/faske d' ou)=n par' e)kei/nou kai\ e)kei=no a)khkoe/nai o( *)isi/dwros, w(s e)/xei ti h( yuxh\ au)goeide\s o)/xhma lego/menon, a)stroeide/s ti kai\ a)i/+dion. kai\ tou=to me/ntoi tw=| a)stroeidei= sw/mati tw=|de a)poke/kleitai e)ni/ois me\n ei)/sw th=s kefalh=s, e)ni/ois de\ ei)/sw tou= deciou= w)/mou: o(/per ou)dei\s fai/netai a)/llos i(storh/sas.
Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 107 Zintzen (54 Asmus).
[1] Unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 August 2000@23:14:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 August 2002@08:46:15.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 29 April 2012@06:49:50.
David Whitehead (another note) on 10 September 2015@08:41:11.


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