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Adler number: alpha,4402
Translated headword: bard
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a singer.
Also a poet.
Of old the class of bards was prudent and had a philosophical disposition. For Agamemnon leaves this man as instructor to Clytemnestra. He first went through the virtues of women, adding a certain ambition for the good and the beautiful; then providing a sweet diversion he led her mind astray with trivial concerns. For this reason Aegisthus did not corrupt the woman before killing the bard. But Demodokos[1] sings about the love-making of Aphrodite and Ares, not because he approves the sweetness of this passion, but in order to deter them from lawless appetites. He knows that they have been brought up to a luxurious life (for banquet and harp were always dear to them)[2] and brings them entertainment very appropriate to their character. He also makes Phemios sing at their council. And the Sirens sing to Odysseus what will delight him most and be most suited to his competitiveness and desire for knowledge. They say that everyone who has listened to the song goes home delighted and knowing more.[3]
Greek Original:*)aoido/s: o( melw|do/s. kai\ o( poihth/s. o(/ti to\ tw=n a)oidw=n ge/nos sw=fron h)=n to\ palaio\n kai\ filoso/fwn dia/qesin e)/xon. *)agame/mnwn ga\r th=| *klutaimnh/stra| swfronisth=ra tou=ton a)fi/hsin: o(\s prw=ton a)reta\s gunaikw=n dierxo/menos e)ne/balle/ tina filotimi/an ei)s kalokagaqi/an, ei)=ta diatribh\n pare/xwn h(dei/an a)pepla/na th\n dia/noian fau/lwn e)nnoiw=n: dio/per *ai)/gisqos ou) pro/teron die/fqeire th\n gunai=ka pri\n to\n a)oido\n a)poktei=nai. o( de\ *dhmo/dokos a)/|dei th\n *)afrodi/ths kai\ *)/areos sunousi/an, ou) dia\ to\ h(du\ kai\ to\ a)pode/xesqai tou=to to\ pa/qos, a)ll' a)potre/pwn au)tou\s parano/mwn o)re/cewn, ei)dw\s e)n truferw=| bi/w| teqramme/nous [ai)ei\ ga\r au)tw=| dai=s te fi/lh, ki/qaris], o(moio/tata toi=s tro/pois au)tw=n ta\ pro\s a)na/pausin fe/rwn. kai\ to\n *fh/mion poiei= a)/|donta pro\s th\n boulh\n au)tw=n. kai\ ai( *seirh=nes de\ a)/|dousi tw=| *)odussei= ta\ ma/lista au)to\n te/ryonta kai\ ta\ oi)kei=a th=| filotimi/a| au)tou= kai\ polumaqei/a|. le/gousi de\, o(/ti pa=s o( th=s w)|dh=s katakou/sas terya/menos nei=tai kai\ plei/ona ei)dw/s.
After the opening definitions, which are also in other lexica, the source becomes
Deipnosophists 1.14B-D and 1.16D (1.24 and 1.28 Kaibel).
delta 440.
Odyssey 8.248.
Odyssey 12.188.
Keywords: chronology; definition; epic; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; meter and music; mythology; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 August 2000@23:07:53.
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