Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,4394 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4394
Translated headword: unabating
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone/something] inexhaustible.[1]
"He was devoted to philology and unabating labors and overwhelmed the reputations of older and more clever men with his own name."[2]
And elsewhere: "during the daytime he gave himself over to farming and unabating labors."[3]
"For justice, surveying all things, is vigilant by nature, and divine, and unabating."[4]
And elsewhere: "to have unabating industry."[5]
Greek Original:*)/atrutos: a)katapo/nhtos. filologi/a| te kai\ a)tru/tois po/nois e)gkei/menos, eu)fueste/rwn kai\ presbute/rwn kate/xwse do/cas tw=| e(autou= o)no/mati. kai\ au)=qis: tai=s de\ h(me/rais a)tru/tois po/nois e(auto\n pro\s gewrgi/an e)cedi/dou. di/kh ga\r pa/nta e)forw=sa a)/grupno/s e)sti fu/sei, kai\ qei/a, kai\ a)/trutos. kai\ au)=qis: filoponi/an e)/xein a)/truton.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
Life of Isidore fr. 240 Zintzen (142 Asmus); the Suda's
philologia should be
philoponia "love of toil."
Life of Isidore fr. 187 Zintzen (216 Asmus).
Aelian fr. 31 Domingo-Forasté (28 Hercher).
Life of Isidore fr. 71 Zintzen (31 Asmus).
Keywords: agriculture; biography; definition; ethics; imagery; law
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 27 March 2002@12:24:22.
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