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Search results for alpha,4367 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4367
Translated headword: undefended, unavenged
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] unaided, or remarkable. Sometimes, too, it is evil.[1]
Aelian [applies the word] to unaided: "it did not happen that the smitten children remained undefended, for the victory which their neighbors had won was equivocal."[2]
Greek Original:*)atimw/rhtos: a)boh/qhtos, h)\ qaumasto/s. e)/sti d' o(/te kai\ o( kako/s. e)pi\ ou)=n tou= a)bohqh/tou *ai)liano/s: ou) mh\n a)timwrh/tous e)ge/neto mei=nai tou\s pai=das tou\s a)lohqe/ntas, e(teralkh\s ga\r h( ni/kh genome/nh tw=n plhsi/on h)=n.
[1] Likewise in other lexica, including
Platonic Lexicon.
Aelian fr. 138b Domingo-Forasté (135 Hercher).
Keywords: children; definition; ethics; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 25 March 2002@21:34:49.
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