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Headword: *)attiko/s
Adler number: alpha,4361
Translated headword: Attikos, Atticus
Vetting Status: high
Bishop of Constantinople after Arsacius, the one who presided by proxy of [John] Chrysostom;[1] his descent was from Sebasteia of [= in] Armenia,[2] and from youth he was taught to philosophize by a monk of the Macedonian sect. Then they were prominent in philosophy all through Sebasteia from their company with Eustathius, who we know was the bishop there and leader of the best monks. And when he reached manhood he was converted to the catholic church. He was sensible more by nature than by education and became acquainted with moral duties, sufficient to plan and to stand fast in his plans, attractive in his character so that he was agreeable to many, mediocre in his discourses for the church so that those who heard did not consider them necessary to write down, nor were they completely without their share of education. For being of good taste, if the opportunity arose, he practiced on the most esteemed historians among the Greeks. Because he seemed to be an ordinary person, when he held discourse about these things, he often was overlooked by those who were knowledgeable. He was said to have been zealous towards those who were likeminded, but fearsome to those who held other opinions. And easily whenever he wished he inspired fear in these men, and then changing again he appeared gentle. And so they say he was this sort of man.
This man Atticus after being educated was pious and sensible, so it was agreed to bestow the churches upon him for the most part. For not only did he train the those of the household of faith, but he also beat down the heretics with his knowledge; and he did not prefer to maltreat them in any way, but frightened them and again became meek. But he was not neglectful of letters, for he labored over the lectures of the ancients and spent his nights studying them; wherefore he was not recognized by the sophistic philosophers.[3] He was gracious and attractive to those he met and he grieved along with those who were distressed, and, after the example of the Apostle, he became all things to all men. And when he was an old man, he learned and labored at the words which he taught to the churches; but later on, along with his diligence being possessed also of a certain frankness, he taught even the most solemn things extempore, and saying farewell to the study of grammar he turned to the ascetic life.[4] For these were not the sort of words as to be respected by the hearers or committed to writing.
Greek Original:
*)attiko/s, e)pi/skopos *kwnstantinoupo/lews meta\ *)arsa/kion, to\n a)po\ tou= *xrusosto/mou e)pitropeu/santa, to\ me\n ge/nos h)=n e)k *sebastei/as th=s *)armeni/as: e)k ne/ou de\ filosofei=n e)paideu/qh u(po\ monaxou= th=s *makedoni/ou ai(re/sews. oi( de\ to/te e)n filosofi/a| diapre/pontes a)na\ th\n *seba/steian e)k th=s *eu)staqi/ou diatribh=s h)=san: o(\n e)pi/skopon kai\ h(gemo/na tw=n e)nqa/de a)ri/stwn monaxw=n e)/gnwmen. h)/dh de\ ei)s a)/ndras telw=n pro\s th\n kaqolikh\n e)kklhsi/an mete/qeto. fu/sei de\ ma=llon h)\ maqh/sei fro/nimos w)\n e)ge/neto tw=n prakte/wn e)ph/bolos, e)pibouleu/ein te kai\ pro\s e)piboula\s a)ntisxei=n i(kano\s, to\ de\ h)=qos e)pagwgo\s w(s polloi=s kexarisme/nos ei)=nai, me/trios de\ pro\s tou\s e)p' e)kklhsi/as lo/gous, w(s mh/te grafh=s a)ci/ous nomi/zesqai toi=s a)kroatai=s, mh/te paidei/as pantelw=s a)moi/rous. e)mmelh\s ga\r w)\n, ei)/ ph| kairo\n h)=ge, tou\s par' *(/ellhsin eu)dokimwta/tous suggrafe/as h)skei=to: kai\ tw=| dokei=n i)diw/ths ei)=nai, peri\ tou/twn dialego/menos kai\ tou\s e)pisth/monas polla/kis e)la/nqanen. e)le/geto de\ pro\s tou\s o(modo/cous spoudai=os ei)=nai, toi=s de\ e(terodo/cois fobero/s: kai\ r(a|di/ws me\n au)toi=s, h(ni/ka bou/loito, de/os e)mpoiei=n, au)=qis de\ metaballo/menos pra=os fai/nesqai. kai\ tou=ton me\n toio/nde gene/sqai fasi/n. ou(=tos o( *)attiko\s meta\ to\ pepaideu=sqai eu)labh/s te kai\ fro/nimos h)=n: dio\ kai\ ta\s e)kklhsi/as e)p' au)tou= sune/bh ei)s me/ga e)pidou=nai. ou) ga\r mo/non tou\s oi)kei/ous th=s pi/stews sunekro/tei, a)lla\ kai\ tou\s ai(resiw/tas th=| fronh/sei kate/plhtte: kai\ sku/llein me\n au)tou\s ou)damw=s h(|rei=to, fobw=n de\ pa/lin e)pra/u+nen. a)lla\ mh\n ou)/te lo/gwn h)me/lei, e)po/nei ga\r peri\ ta\ tw=n palaiw=n a)nagnw/smata, dianuktereu/wn e)n au)toi=s: dio\ kai\ ou)k e)cefwnei=to para\ tw=n filoso/fwn sofistw=n. h)=n de\ toi=s e)ntugxa/nousi xari/eis kai\ e)pagwgo\s, kai\ toi=s lupoume/nois sunestu/gnaze, kai\ kata\ to\n *)apo/stolon, toi=s pa=si ta\ pa/nta e)gi/neto. kai\ presbu/ths me\n w)\n e)kmaqw\n ou(\s kai\ e)po/nei lo/gous e)p' e)kklhsi/as e)di/daske: meta\ de\ tau=ta su\n th=| filoponi/a| kai\ parrhsi/an kthsa/menos e)c au)tosxedi/ou kai\ panhgurikw/tata e)di/daske, kai\ xai/rein th=| grammatikh=| fra/sas e)pi\ to\n a)skhtiko\n e)tra/ph bi/on. ou) mh\n toiou=toi h)=san oi( lo/goi w(s para\ tw=n a)kroatw=n spouda/zesqai h)\ grafh=| paradi/dosqai.
C4/5 CE (died 425).
The bulk of this entry's material comes from Sozomenus, Historia ecclesiastica 8.27 (web address 1), and (from "This man Atticus ...") Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 7.2 and 17 (web address 2).
[1] For Arsacius see also under sigma 481.
[2] Barrington Atlas map 64 grid E1; present-day Sivas, in central Turkey; sigma 176.
[3] cf. epsilon 1677 with note there (the word should be e)cenofwnei=to "was disconcerted by strange teachings").
[4] For this phrase cf. pi 814.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 March 2002@14:45:27.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 1 April 2002@20:07:10.
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 9 June 2002@08:17:07.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@07:26:57.
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added links) on 1 November 2005@20:44:19.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 November 2005@03:07:13.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 1 December 2005@08:23:16.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 28 April 2012@08:11:03.
David Whitehead (more notes; cosmetics) on 3 September 2015@05:51:13.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 12 December 2015@23:19:08.


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