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Search results for alpha,4348 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4348
Translated headword: for unskilled ones, to unskilled ones, with unskilled ones
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] for/to/with guileless[1] ones, or for/to/with inexperienced ones.
Also[2] [sc. attested is]
a)te/xnws, [pronounced] barytone [sc. with accent on the next-to-last syllable], meaning without skill, unlearnedly, carelessly.[2] But with perispomenon accent [sc. with circumflex on the last syllable],
a)texnw=s, [it means] truthfully. For deceit [is] an art [
"She asks the god sincerely to provide divine counsel for herself and to teach her about what must be done."[3]
[sc. Also attested is]
a)texnw=s, with perispomenon accent, meaning truly, simply, without knavery.[4]
Clearly [sc. this means]: either steadfastly or securely or openly.
Just like
a)tenw=s ["stubbornly"], with the chi being superfluous.
Or meaning completely, and meaning strongly, and meaning once-for-all, and meaning utterly. So
Plato [sc. uses it].[5]
"Being absolutely happy with
Aristotle's happiness."[6]
And elsewhere: "he simply would not discuss with the others, not even if he met them face-to-face."[7] Or artlessly, meaning wholly, and entirely, like without deceit; for they used to call deceits arts.
Homer [says]: "round about artful bonds were poured."[8]
Greek Original:*)ate/xnois: panou/rgois, h)\ a)pei/rois. kai\ *)ate/xnws, baruto/nws, a)nti\ tou= a)/neu te/xnhs, a)maqw=s, a)melw=s. e)pi\ de\ tou= perispwme/nou a)texnw=s, a)nti\ tou= a)lhqw=s. te/xnh ga\r o( do/los. dei=tai tou= qeou= sumboulh\n a)texnw=s i(era\n parasxei=n au(th=| kai\ dida/cai peri\ tw=n prakte/wn. *)atexnw=s perispwme/nws, a)nti\ tou= a)lhqw=s, a(plw=s, xwri\s panourgi/as. safw=s: h)\ bebai/ws h)\ a)sfalw=s h)\ fanerw=s. oi(onei\ a)tenw=s, perissou= o)/ntos tou= x. h)\ a)nti\ tou= telei/ws, kai\ a)nti\ tou= i)sxurw=s, kai\ a)nti\ tou= kaqa/pac, kai\ a)nti\ tou= pantelw=s. ou(/tws *pla/twn. eu)daimonw=n a)texnw=s th\n *)aristote/lous eu)daimoni/an. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k a)\n dialexqei/h toi=s a)/llois a)texnw=s, ou)d' a)\n a)pantw=n. h)\ a)texnw=s, a)nti\ tou= o(/lws, kai\ suno/lws, oi(=on a)do/lws: te/xnas ga\r e)/legon tou\s do/lous. *(/omhros: a)mfi\ de\ desmoi\ texnh/entes e)/xunto.
The headword, dative plural of the adjective
a)/texnos (for its range of related senses see LSJ s.v.), is evidently quoted from somewhere; extant possibilities are late and numerous.
[1] Other lexica (
Synagoge alpha1052, (Codex B) alpha2343;
Photius alpha3083) have "guileless" (
a)panou/rgois), here, surely correctly. Adler maintains the unanimous reading of the Suda mss:
panou/rgois, "guileful".
[2] Having begun with a definition of an adjective, the entry now turns to two cognate adverbial forms, which have different meanings according to the accent (LSJ entries at web addresses 1 & 2). Most of the entry consists of quotations, often overlapping, of various lexicographers, scholiasts, and grammarians of late antiquity. Only citations of significance are noted here.
Life of Isidore fr. 125 Zintzen (75 Asmus. See generally Athanassiadi for text and commentary). The "she" in question is the 5th century CE Neoplatonic philosopher Aidesia/Aedesia of Alexandria, student of
Proclus at
Athens, daughter, wife, and mother of Neoplatonic philosophers: see
alphaiota 79.
[4] cf.
tau 441 (and Harpokration and
Photius s.v.).
Euthyphro 3A, supplies only the word "utterly," the synonyms being the lexicographer's.
[6] Quotation unidentifiable, though one (proverbial-sounding) element of it, "the happiness of
Aristotle", is used in fr.4 (preserved by
Eusebius) of the C2-CE Platonist philosopher
Atticus [OCD(4) p.204].
Clouds 425, where however, the text has the first person. Strepsiades says that he would not discuss anything with any other gods than the ones Socrates has just named, Emptiness and Clouds and Tongue.
Odyssey 8.296-97: Hephaestus lays a snare for the adulterous Ares and Aphrodite.
Damascius of Damascus, The Philosophical History. text with translation and notes by P. Athanassiadi. Athens: Apamea Cultural Association 1999
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; history; mythology; philosophy; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 3 November 2001@20:58:00.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented and modified notes; cosmetics) on 27 August 2002@05:02:33.
William Hutton (Tweaked translation and notes, cosmetics) on 13 November 2007@07:39:08.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 July 2011@03:56:23.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 September 2014@00:37:19.
David Whitehead (expanded n.6) on 2 September 2015@09:24:50.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 15 January 2016@19:53:34.
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