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Adler number: alpha,4297
Translated headword: gullet
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] throat,[1] stomach, neck. It is also the word for the off-shoot growing off thorn plants. But asparagos is a certain type of plant, suitable for cleansing [sc. of morbid humours]. Thus the Attic [writers] cite the word with the phi, but many who are not precise say it with the pi.[2] And generally they call the first parts of herbs/vegetables to be seen "asparagus".[3]
Greek Original:*)asfa/ragon: fa/rugga, sto/maxon, laimo/n. le/getai kai\ to\ a)kanqw=n a)pofuo/menon bla/sthma. e)/sti de/ ti kai\ bota/nhs ei)=dos a)spa/ragos, pro\s ta\s kaqa/rseis e)pith/deion. ou(/tw me\n oi( *)attikoi\ dia\ tou= f th\n le/cin profe/rousin, oi( de\ polloi\ mh\ a)kribou=ntes dia\ tou= p le/gousi. kai\ a(plw=s ta\ tw=n laxa/nwn o(rw/mena prw=ta a)spara/gous kalou=sin.
Same or similar material, variously, in other lexica; and see also
Deipnosophists 2.62E-F (2.62 Kaibel).
[1] Accusative case(s); cf. the
scholia to
Iliad 22.328, where the headword occurs. See also
sigma 1717.
[2] cf.
alpha 4200.
[3] cf.
omicron 598 -- but there with the noun
o)/rmena ("stems, stalks") rather than this participle
o(rw/mena ("to be seen").
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; medicine
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 March 2002@21:56:27.
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